Monday, May 01, 2006

Vitamins and their Benefits

Vitamin A
Source: Fish, butter, eggs, liver, yellow vegetables
Use in the body: Keeps eyes and skin healthy. Helps digestion and breathing.

Vitamin C
Source: Leafy vegetables, tomatoes, citrus fruits like lemons and oranges
Use in the body: Prevents a disease called scurvy.

Vitamin D
Source: Sunshine, fish oils, liver
Use in the body: Helps to rebuild strong bones and teeth.

Vitamin E
Source: Vegetables and animal oils
Use in the body: Protects the nervous system and the reproductive system.

Vitamin B1(thiamine)
Source: Yeast, liver, nuts, grain
Use in the body: Protects the nervous system. Prevents a disease called beriberi.

Vitamin B2(riboflavin)
Source: Yeast, wheat germ, liver, meat, eggs
Use in the body: Affects entire body. Prevents skin and mouth disease.

Source: Vegetables, meat, yeast
Use in the body: Prevents skin disorders like pellagra.

Source: Vegetables and liver
Use in the body: Prevents anaemia