Thursday, December 21, 2006

Did You Know?

During World War II the British Royal Air Force pilots secretly used this to improve their night vision.

That’s right…Bilberry was used by the British Fighter pilots during World War II who claimed that it helped relieve night blindness. For centuries herbalists have been using Bilberry to treat various eye problems. Numerous studies show that Bilberry when combined with Eyebright and Grape Seed helps in aiding various eyes disorders as it possesses antioxidant properties that neutralize cell-damaging free radicals.

Speed Up Wound Healing!

Ikan Haruan or snakehead fish, has long been used by Malaysians as a remedy to enhance wound healing. It is also a common pratice in much of South Asia.

Studies done in 1994 shows that the unique fatty acid and amino acid composition of this fish play an important role in wound healing.

Both fatty acid and amino acid are particularly useful for:

i) enhancing external and internal wound healing three times faster following injury, surgery and childbirth.

ii) improving conditions of mild or severe bedsores.

iii) speeding the healing of internal injuries such as bone fractures and muscle tears.

iv) enhancing the healing of mild burns on skin tissues and reducing scarring.

Why Walk More?

We already knew that walking can reduce adult-onset diabetes and coronary heart disease. But researchers at Harvard University have found another good reason to take a hike: to prevent stroke. According to the Harvard Health Letter, even people who had been sedentary for much of their life had a lower stroke risk soon after they started walking regularly.

Speed counts though. For the fastest walkers, the risk reduction was an impressive 40%. A leisurely stroll does some good, but the study showed that a brisk pace of three miles per hour or more is the key-even more important than how far you walk.

Saturday, December 09, 2006

Another Healing Herb- Centella Asiatica

Centella Asiatica or locally known as Pegaga in Malaysia has traditionally been used in both internal and external for promoting a healthy skin. More recently, some of the biggest cosmetic companies in the world use this remarkable herb in their skin formulations.
In addition, the Malays love eating raw Pegaga as if it’s a kind of salad but with no salad dressing. This unique herb is much more delicious when it’s cooked with green chilli and coconut milk (masak lemak cili api). Find more about Malay dishes with Google Search Box.

Did You Know?

George W. Bush took part in the Houston Marathon in 1992 and finished it in 3 hours and 44 minutes.
Find more about George W. Bush's diet.

Healthy Quote

“The most powerful weapon we have in the fight against cancer is prevention.”

Thursday, November 30, 2006

World's Oldest Woman

The world's oldest known woman, 114 year old Kamato Hong who lives on the island of Kyushu put her lengthy life down to a diet rich in raw fish, green tea and the occasional glass of sake rice wine.

Are You Sleeping Enough Or Too Much?

A six year study of more than a million Americans show that a good night's sleep lasts seven hours. More sleep isn't better. People who sleep for eight hours or more tend to die a bit sooner. Six hours' sleep on the other hand, isn't that bad.

Saturday, June 17, 2006

Asparagus Juice For Cooking And Nutrition
Kevin Pederson

Asparagus juice is usually taken in the quantity of a sherry-glassful three times a day before meals. Asparagus extract has been used not only to remove water from the body but as a purifier of the blood, to tone up the nervous system and as a gentle laxative.

The thickness of the asparagus used has little effect upon the value, only upon the cost. So choose fresh looking stems that have not dried out and gone floppy. The white, woody base of the stem helps prevent it from losing moisture. It can be stored for a few days wrapped with a damp cloth around the base and kept in a cool place.

Asparagus is a luxury vegetable that still grows wild in Mediterranean countries. Old herbals called it sparrowgrass and farmers still call the plant 'grass’. A big helping will contain less than 40 calories and it is a good provider of vitamins C and E and folic acid.

The therapeutically active substance found in the asparagus is the alkaloid asparagines which exert a rapid effect upon the kidneys, stimulating them and coloring the urine a dark yellow within hours of consumption. The asparagines is much reduced in quantity during cooking, so that the use of quite a small amount of the raw juice produces a good diuretic effect.

Not only is the urine colored, the asparagus also imparts quite a strong smell to it, so do not think anything is amiss should this phenomenon surprise you. The essential oils which give asparagus its distinctive and pleasant flavor are very powerful because they are present in such small amounts that special analytical methods have to be employed to detect them.

Kevin Pederson has been managing a number of natural home remedies websites which have information on asparagus juice can be used as laxative as well as used for blood purification.
Lower Your Blood Pressure the Nutritional Way
Charles Kassotis

Hypertension has been called “the silent killer” because blood pressure can creep up quietly over time before striking suddenly via a heart attack or stroke. Often, people in their 40’s and 50’s will find out during their annual physical examination that their pressure is climbing, and they may need to go on medication to control it. But before it reaches the point of requiring medical intervention, you can implement some lifestyle changes that may lower your blood pressure before prescription meds are needed. You may want to check with your doctor first, but healthy adjustments like those described below can sometimes make a difference.

1. Get more calcium. Research shows that calcium products can play a role in reducing blood pressure. Look for low-fat varieties of certain dairy products, and experiment to find the foods or beverages you most enjoy. Try to get three servings of calcium-based foods each day. This could take the form of eight-ounce glasses of milk, a combination of yogurt and milk products, or even some foods that contain calcium, like broccoli.

2. Reduce your salt intake. Salt continues under investigation as a probable instigator of hypertension. Keep the saltshaker in the cupboard so you will be less tempted to use it. Don’t salt foods automatically while cooking them, and taste prepared food before adding salt as a seasoning. Beware of hidden salt in processed foods like lunchmeats or as a preservative in frozen foods, especially those that are precooked before freezing. Your body needs some salt, however; so don’t give it up altogether without your doctor’s knowledge.

3. Stay away from fatty foods. Fat clogs the arteries, thus contributing to a rise in blood pressure over time. Cut back on fried foods, fatty cuts of red meat, and foods cooked in oil or butter. Substitute other types of seasonings, like lemon juice or herbs, to replace the taste of fatty flavorings in salads or deep-fried items.

4. Eat plenty of fruits and vegetables. Many disease associations, like the American Diabetes Association or the American Heart Association, recommend a diet that includes several daily helpings of fruit and vegetables. These can be eaten fresh, frozen, canned, or cooked. Plant foods often contain fiber, which has been shown to reduce blood clotting and improve circulation, thereby contributing to lower blood pressure.

5. Cut back on sweets. Commercially prepared cookies, cakes, and other goodies often contain unhealthy levels of fat, salt, and calories. Eating these too often can interfere with the intake of healthier foods that can help to control blood pressure. When you want to snack, eat low-fat veggie dips, fresh fruit, or baked chips instead of the fried variety.

Changing your diet may not be enough to lower or manage your blood pressure. But it might delay an increase in your numbers, or when combined with other therapies like exercise, stress reduction, and medication, helps to keep your numbers where they belong. Ask your doctor about the role that nutrition might be able to play in controlling your blood pressure.

Friday, June 16, 2006

Boost the immune system the natural way
David McEvoy

Since Dr Peter Koeppel, one of the leading experts onimmunology and biochemistry at a leading Swisspharmaceutical company released a paper on the use ofnucleotides and RNA for human health applications. Muchinformation has been sought regarding these valuablebuilding blocks.

In part one of this series we will explain what anucleotide is and how it links in very closely with ourDNA. The beneficial implications of supplementing thedaily diet with these naturally derived conditionallyessential dietary building blocks, that are know asnucleotides will be explained in part 2.

Where do nucleotides come from?

As any good nutritionist will tell you, any thing that thehuman body needs can be obtained from food. Foods that are naturally high in nucleotides are listed below.
• Liver• Tripe• Lean Meat• Fish• Mushrooms• Fungi• Yeast extract

However to boost your immune system from nucleotides wemust take them in a more concentrated form, this will becovered in more depth in the next article.

Part 1.

Understanding Nucleotides and DNADr Koeppel states that nucleotides are the building blocksthat are necessary for making new DNA and RNA.To help usunderstand this better; we need to think back to highschool when we learned about the double-helix of DNA.Remember the spiral-appearing ladder with the differentcolored rungs? That is a model of the DNA that makes up thegenes and chromosomes found in us all. DNA is a very largemolecule, and the rungs of the DNA ladder are made of acombination of two different nucleotides. The nucleotidesare molecules, called guanosine and cytosine, that pair uptogether, or adenosine and thymidine, which also pair uptogether. Adenosine and guanosine are called purines.Cytosine, thymidine and uradine are called pyrimidines. RNAis similar to DNA, except that the molecule uradinereplaces thymine in that pair, and RNA is an intermediarybetween DNA and protein. A gene is a discrete sequence ofDNA nucleotides, and genes are what make up ourchromosomes. So, it makes sense that genes are made of DNA.

While all of this sounds very technical, what you need tounderstand is that nucleotides are molecules that areessential to the creation of new DNA and RNA moleculeswhich are then used by new cells of all kinds. This isimportant because nucleotides, either by themselves, or incombination with other molecules, are involved in almostall activities of the cell (and therefore, the body).

What is DNA in layman’s terms?

Deoxyribonucleic acid, DNA, which makes up the geneticmaterial in cells, is comprised of units callednucleotides.


Nucleotides can be simply described as the nutritionalbuilding blocks of new cells. There are 5 keynucleotides, which form the crucial building blocks of DNAand RNA, and are therefore essential for ongoing new cellproduction and system repair.

In part 2, we are going to explain how nucleotides areinvolved in many of our body’s vital functions, and moreimportantly how by supplementing our diet with nucleotideswe can help to boost our immune systems.

Thursday, June 15, 2006

Tips and Advice for Better Health


Modest physical activity for 30 minutes per day will knock as much as 15 pounds off your weight within six months - assuming, of course, that calorie intake is not increased.


Saturday night is a bad time tobe on the road. One out of every 10 drivers on that particular night is likely to be drunk. And the latest statistics tell us that drunk drivers now kill more than 25,000 people a year, and injure one-half million.


(1) Eat a high-fiber diet(2)Consume milk and milk products daily (for calcium)(3) Get 20 minutes of sun exposure a day (for Vitamin D)(4) Exercise on a regular basis.


Researchers and commonsense have long held that exercise enhances health and makes people feel better about themselves and their bodies. This, inturn, makes them more sexually attractive and responsive. Now studies are sug-gesting that exercise is a potent stimulus tohormone production in both men and women. It may, in fact, chemically increase basic libido by stepping up the levels ofsuch hormones as testoster-one.


Sit or stand upright and suck in your stomach. Hold for about 20 seconds, breathingnormally. Repeat about once every waking hour. You should startseeing results in four to six weeks.


(1) Separate worries into those you can do something about and those you can't. Deal with the firstgroup, and forget the rest.(2) Distract yourself with a walk, abook or a movie.(3) Behave as though you aren't worried. (Sometimes you can even fool yourself by blocking out worries)(4) Have long talks about your worries and anxieties with afriend(5) Use a relaxation technique such as meditation or yoga.

INSTANT LEG-CRAMP RELIEF:Leg cramps can usually be alleviated by firmly pinching your upper lip for 20 to 30 seconds.


Simply cut down on fatty foods and eat more foods with potassium bananas, tangerines, and oranges. For quick results, try a dietof rice, fruit and vegetables. And if you don't already know your cholesterol level, ask your doctor about being tested.


Dissolve one-half teaspoon baking soda in a half cup of warm water and use as a mouthwash. Soak a cotton swab or cloth in castor oil and apply it directly to the canker sore. Apply a wet tea bag for temporary pain relieve. And once the sore has started to heal, gently apply some Vitamin E oil to the area.


Don't overeat. Avoid tight clothing, especially waist-pinching belts. Stay upright for several hours after eating don't eat just before bedtime or lie down for a nap right after a meal. If you frequently suffer form heartburn, avoid those foods you know you have a problem with. Limit fat intake since fat slows the emptying of the stomach. Elevate the head of your bed by six inches or more. This may be the single most important mechanical alteration heart burn sufferers can make.

Sunday, June 04, 2006

Eight Key Nutrients to Help Prevent Breast Cancer -- and Where to Find Them
By Brian Vaszily

Breast cancer is the most common cancer among women in the United States, accounting for one in three of all women cancer cases diagnosed. In 2005 alone, more than 211,000 women will be diagnosed with the disease, according to the American Cancer Society, along with nearly 1,700 men.

It's estimated that over 40,000 women will die of breast cancer this year, surpassed only by lung cancer deaths. Another 460 men will also die from the disease.

While age (over 65) and family history are unchangeable factors associated with an increased risk of breast cancer, there are other factors you can control. Lifestyle factors, including drinking two or more drinks a day and not exercising, along with being obese, all increase the risk. Along these lines, eating a healthy diet that includes the foods and nutrients noted below may help to reduce your risk and prevent you from becoming one of the one in seven U.S. women (or smaller number of U.S. men) who has, or will develop, breast cancer during her lifetime.

1. Vitamin D3
This vitamin helps control cellular growth and inhibit the growth of cancer cells. According to holistic healing and natural health author Donald R. Yance Jr., "Vitamin D3 may also inhibit the activity of hormones such as estrogen in breast cancer, thereby decreasing its spread." A University of Birmingham study also found that vitamin D3 encourages healthy breast cell growth while making cells more resistant to toxins. One way to get vitamin D3 is through sun exposure--one study found that safely exposing your skin to the sun reduced the risk of breast cancer by 30 to 40 percent. If that is not possible, you can get vitamin D3 in the foods below. Found in These Foods: Salmon, tuna, cod fish, cod liver oil, egg yolks, shrimp and some wild mushrooms

2. Monoterpenes
These substances, found in citrus fruits, appear to help sweep carcinogens out of the body while helping to inhibit the spread of breast cancer cells. In a study published in the journal Nutrition and Cancer, the authors wrote, ""These compounds have been shown to exert chemopreventive and chemotherapeutic activities in mammary tumor [cells] and represent a new class of breast cancer therapeutic agents."
Found in These Foods: Citrus fruits, including grapefruits, oranges and tangerines

3. Indole-3-carbinol
This is a phytochemcial that belongs to the glucosinolate family. It's formed when certain vegetables are crushed or cooked. Research has found that it deactivates an estrogen metabolite that promotes tumor growth, particularly in breast cells. It's also been found to keep cancer cells from spreading to other parts of the body. Found in These Foods: Cruciferous vegetables, including broccoli, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, collard greens, kale, bok choy, arugula, horseradish, radishes, watercress, daikon, kohlrabi, mustard greens and rutabaga

4. Calcium d-glucarate
This substance has been found to inhibit beta-glucuronidase, an enzyme that, when elevated, is associated with an increased risk of cancer, particularly hormone-dependent varieties like breast, prostate and colon cancers. Studies in rats have shown that this substance reduces breast cancer by as much as 70 percent. It also has detoxifying properties that may help the body excrete potentially toxic compounds.
Found in These Foods: Oranges, apples, grapefruits and cruciferous vegetables

5. Lignan
This phytoestrogen inhibits estrogen production, which may stop the growth of breast cancer, according to the Mayo Clinic.
Found in These Foods: Flaxseed, pumpkin, sunflower and poppy seeds, whole grains (rye, oats, barley), fruits (especially berries) and vegetables

6. Epigallocatechin-3 gallate (EGCG)
This phytochemical has been found to strongly inhibit the growth of breast cancer cells while leaving normal cells alone. A study published in the International Journal of Cancer found that Asian-American women who drank about three ounces of green tea (which contains EGCG) a day had a 47 percent lower risk of breast cancer than those who did not drink green tea, according to the American Institute for Cancer Research. Further, a meta-analysis in the June 2005 issue of Integrative Cancer Therapies found that evidence to date suggests drinking five or more cups of green tea a day shows a non-statistically significant trend toward preventing breast cancer.
Found in These Foods: Green tea and green tea extract

7. Lycopene
This antioxidant is a member of the carotenoid family. Studies have found that consuming lycopene is associated with a reduced risk of breast cancer. In one study in rats, those given lycopene-enriched tomato developed fewer tumors and had smaller tumor volume than the control rats. Lycopene also attacks free radicals in the body that may trigger cancer.
Found in These Foods: Tomatoes (particularly cooked varieties such as tomato sauces, paste and ketchup), watermelons, carrots, red peppers, apricots, papaya, pink grapefruit and guava

8. Oleic Acid
A Northwestern University study, published in the journal Annals of Oncology, found that oleic acid inhibited activity levels of the Her-2/neu gene. This gene is thought to trigger breast cancer and is found in over one-fifth of breast cancer patients. The gene is associated with highly aggressive tumors and poor prognosis.
Found in These Foods: Olive oil, avocados, almond oil, peanut, pecan, cashew and macadamia oils

Home Remedies that Treat Acne
By Robert Kokoska

Acne, which is a skin disorder most common in teenagers at puberty when their hormones are starting to develop. Acne which is often the blight of adolescence is known to follow some people into adulthood.

Eating a healthy diet can be an acne cure for many people but it is definitely a natural acne treatment for everyone. Home remedies are among some of the best treatments for acne. Prescription acne medication can scar if not used appropriately.

When it comes to wearing makeup the natural look is always refreshing. Cosmetic products with sulfates, harsh red dyes, heavy oils are hard on the skin blocking the pores and contributing to an outbreak.

Cleansing creams with chlorides, oils and alcohol used to treat acne can be damaging to the skin because they are sometimes too harsh. It is very important to read the labels carefully before purchasing these products to see just what you are using. Also cleansing your face at least 3 times a day so there is minimal opportunity for pore blockage is one of the best remedies for keeping outbreaks to a minimum.

There are several natural home remedies for acne that you either have in your own kitchen or you can get from the health food store inexpensively. Just because these home remedies are considered natural treatments for acne, does not mean that you should be less cautious than you would be with prescription acne medications or over-the-counter acne products.

You should always check with a doctor before undertaking any home remedy. Some home remedies for acne turn out to be the best treatments for acne in the end simply because they are not as hard on the skin. Home remedies used to treat acne should not only take care of any acne problems that you are having but also moisten and rejuvenate your skin.

GARLIC: Garlic is one of natures strongest antibiotics and used externally by cutting open a clove of garlic and rubbing it on the problem area. People told me that it doesn't burn but it did. What did work better for me was to crush the garlic clove and mix it with half a cup of hot water in a pan. Soak a clean wash cloth in the solution and then apply to the affected areas only. This should within a few days unclog infected pores. It is smelly and should be done before bed so you can wash it off the next morning.

LEMON: There are several things that you can do with fresh lemon. Slice a lemon in half and rub it on the effected area and leave it over night and rinse your face in the morning or squeeze the juice and mix it with rose water and apply to the effected areas.

TEATREE OIL: Teatree oil usually costs about $9-$12 for an 8 to 12 oz bottle and it works wonders on the skin leaving a very refreshing feeling behind because you can actually feel it working by cleaning the pores of your skin. I recommend that you dilute it with water first before attempting to use it at full strength. The idea is to cleanse and rejuvenate the skin as anything that leaves extreme discomfort is not good for your skin.

CUCUMBER: This is one of the most gentle and refreshing treatments that I have ever used and not only does it help treat acne but also refreshes the skin and leaves your skin looking and feeling younger. What you should do is blend the cucumber into a paste and apply. You can leave it on the skin for 30 to 45 minutes and then wash it off.

ICE: One of the most simple and least expensive remedies of all is good old fashioned ice that you make daily. You can use this at any time and it will reduce any swelling that you have caused by acne but should be used at the onset of a breakout.

There are so many home remedies that I could not even begin to list them all and since everyone's skin is different you will have to find remedies that work well for you. It is important to know to be careful with your skin.

Many times out of aggravation we burst a pimple when a simple remedy can be the best solution, and don't leave a scar like poking at a pimple normally does. Your skin is an indication of your health and when you have healthy skin then you are a more confident person.

For Healthy Skin - A Simple Guide
By John Gibb

In this day and age, many people are concerned with not only their health, but their looks as well. In the aesthetics-worshipping twenty first century, healthy skin is a definite desire among a large cross-section of the population. What few people know is that nutrition for healthy skin is the basis for achieving this desire. Healthy skin and good nutrition generally go hand in hand. While it is impossible to prevent the process of aging skin, healthy eating can lead you to a more glowing and healthy complexion.

One recommendation that plenty of doctors recommend would be to get enough water on a daily basis. Also, your health can be promoted by eating healthy foods such as fruits, vegetables, grains, nuts, and fish. Another way to aid your skin and general well-being would be through the use of supplements. There are plenty of supplements out there, and while some do not necessarily do what they promise, there are more than enough that will help your health.

Vitamin A is one key ingredient to healthy skin. Used in many acne treatment oils, supplements of Vitamin A have been shown to help prevent acne and skin cancer. However, you must be careful not to overdose on this supplement as it can result in liver problems. Scientific studies have shown that a diet rich in fruits, vegetables, nuts, yogurt, eggs, vegetable oils, whole grains, tea, and water results in less photo-aging and skin wrinkling then those who consume foods such as red meat, whole milk, butter, sugary products and potatoes.

Antioxidants can also be very helpful with regards to nutrition for healthy skin. Antioxidants can prevent damage done to cells by free radicals, which damage cell membranes. This can help to naturally protect your skin against the harmful effects of the sun. Basically, your best bet is to have a low-fat, healthy diet, while regularly taking healthy supplements and drinking plenty of water.

John Gibb manages
The site dedicated to nutrition.

Types Of Hair Loss Treatment Available To Sufferers
By Richard Mitchell

The hair loss treatments outlined here cannot provide definitive cures for all hair loss conditions, but they do represent regimes that many sufferers have found useful. In other words, they are examples of potential solutions that many patients have chosen after honestly assessing the causes of their hair loss together with their expectations.

This article will focus on four basic approaches:
1. A drugs based approach for those who don't mind taking strong medications.
2. A commercial product approach for those who prefer a non-drug solution but who still want a treatment that has a track record.
3. A natural remedy approach for those who prefer to follow the natural route.
4. A nutritional approach for those who wish to adopt a more holistic perspective.

It remains a fact that only two hair loss treatments have been approved by the FDA and both can be classed as strong drug-based medications. Propecia (finasteride) is the treatment of choice for many men with good reason - it tends to work! It is a powerful drug that inhibits the formation of DHT in the system, eventually to a level that is sufficiently low to encourage a normal growth cycle. Rogaine (minoxidil) acts differently in that it stimulates hair growth in both men and women by overriding the prevailing hair loss symptoms. These drugs can be used either on their own or in combination. Women should seek professional medical advice before using Propecia.

The world of commercial hair loss products is much less clear cut and it is here that many scamsters ply their trade to rip-off unsuspecting customers. The best advice I can give here is research, research, and more research! Many useful products are available on the market but none have been approved by the FDA. Probably the best, and certainly most popular, commercially available products are those containing natural ingredients that have been shown in field trials to reduce hair loss and encourage regrowth. You can find out more about these products by visiting the site listed at the end of this article.

Increasingly, people are turning to natural hair loss remedies as they seek to combat thinning hair. This has an obvious appeal for many sufferers and there is growing evidence to support the view that some natural remedies may be effective in curtailing hair loss. The most popular ingredients of natural hair loss treatments include ginko biloba, green tea, he shou wu, pygeum, saw palmetto and stinging nettle. Each of these is described in more detail in an supplementary article entitled "Herbal Remedies That Offer Hope".

It is becoming increasingly evident that poor nutrition and modern lifestyles can have a negative impact on health, and hair loss is no exception. At the most basic level, improved nutrition can minimize shedding and support other treatments that encourage regrowth. This can be achieved by:

- eating adequate amounts of protein.
- eating appropriate levels of useful carbohydrates.
- achieving a healthy balance of dietary fats.

Richard Mitchell has developed several hair loss resources including the Hair Loss Natural website that provides information and guidance to people suffering from premature hair loss.

The Truth About Cellulite Cream
By Emillie Loh

Many women cringe on finding the right treatment to get rid of cellulite. But by far, how many of them have successfully found the right solution to eliminate this unsightly orange-peel skin altogether? Almost 90% of women in America and the UK suffer from cellulite. Some can be quite visible to the eyes and some are hidden beneath the skin. Regardless, it is the truth that women are the ultimate victims of cellulite for many years.

There are many over-the-counter cellulite creams and lotions that claim to help remove cellulite completely. However, with the abundance of cellulite creams available in the market today, it can be quite confusing when it comes to choosing the best cellulite creams to treat your cellulite condition. Do note that cellulite creams may not be an effective method to remove cellulite. It is indeed used as a temporary method to reduce the appearance of cellulite. When cellulite cream is massaged on skin, it helps to plump up the skin, thereby, creating a smoother skin texture.

Here are some pointers to help you understand some of the key ingredients used in many cellulite creams. Retinol is one of the common ingredients used in wrinkle creams. It is used for treating skin texture by improving the thickness of the skin epidermis and circulation.

It is said that aminophylline works by breaking down fat cells into fatty acids. Therefore, it helps to reduce the orange-peel effect of cellulite.

There have been increasing number of cellulite creams that make used of AHA (Alpha Hydroxy Acids) such as lactic acid and glycolic acid to treat cellulite. AHA helps accelerate the removal of the superficial layer of dead cells.

Herbal-based cellulite creams help to improve skin texture in cellulite areas. Some examples of herbal-based active ingredients used in cellulite cream are citric, tartaric and phytic acids from fruits and plans.

There have been reports that some of these ingredients actually work in treating cellulite. However, due to the limited evidence to justify the effectiveness of these creams, it is all depends on us to whether or not to take this resort as an option to get rid of this ugly, dimpling effect on our body.

Emillie Loh is the owner of a cellulite-related website. Visit Cellulite for more information on cellulite and various types of treatment methods.

Saturday, June 03, 2006

Cranberries Can Reduce Your Risk Of Cancer AndHeart Disease
Terry Lowery

When is the last time you ate cranberries? Was it with a turkey dinner? With all the research pointing to the amazing health benefits of this simple berry, shouldn't cranberries be more than a once a year side dish?

How Cranberries Are Proving Their Strength:
The Cranberry Institute provides the results of studies and research that highlight the fantastic health benefits of the humble cranberry.

Cranberries have been used for thousands of years by Native Americans as a source of food and to extend the shelf life of dried meats. Colonial sailors also made use of the natural preservatives in cranberries (from benzoic acid) which allowed them to last through long sea voyages, and the high Vitamin C content which prevented scurvy.

Perhaps they were on to something since new research suggests that cranberries may prevent the adhesion of the e.colibacteria - a common cause of food poisoning from contaminated meat - to the urinary tract. This 'anti-adhesion' effect may also help in preventing bacteria from causing stomach ulcers and gum disease.

Vitamin C is also a known powerful antioxidant and is being widely accepted as a means of combating the effects of free radicals in the body which can cause cancer, heart disease and other health problems. Antioxidants from cranberries are being researched for prevention of kidney stones and lowering cholesterol.

While many fruits contain antioxidants, according to research cranberries have more antioxidants than 19 commonly eaten fruits. With this news it makes sense to include cranberries into a balanced diet throughout the year.

How Can You Include Cranberries Into Your Diet?
Fresh, frozen or dried, cranberries can be eaten anytime of the year.

Adding dried cranberries to baking (such as scones, breads andcookies) is an easy way to enjoy their tart sweetness. Adding frozen cranberries to smoothies or soups can lend a mild tang to your creations. Fresh cranberries make excellent garnishes and dressings.

The easiest way to add cranberries to your diet is to drink cranberry juice. While sweetened juices have less antioxidants than unsweetened, the benefits of adding cranberry to your diet are still there. If you add unsweetened juice to sparkling water you can enjoy a refreshing spritzer.

While studies are still being conducted on the health benefits of cranberries there is no doubt that increasing the intake of fruits and vegetables in your diet will lead to a healthier body. Choosing to use a variety of berries, citrus and other fruits will ensure you are giving your body everything it needs for optimum health.

About The Author: This article provided courtesy of

Herbal Medicine
Ken Shorey

Herbal Medicine is the use of botanicals (plants) either alone or in combination to prevent and treat certain ailments and illnesses. Singularly or in combination, the numbers of herbs available is astounding. There are over a half million known herbs that could be used as possible remedies.

Herbal remedies around the globe vary in strength from very mild, gentle remedies that we even use as food, to potential poisons if taken at the wrong dose. The old adage that, "anounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure" could not be more true. This is especially true when it comes to natural remedies.

People native to different geographical locations have long used plants and plant extracts to cure specific maladies.

Sometimes the use of herbs is referred to as "folk" medicine.Folk use of herbal remedies is familiar to all of us in some form or another, because this is how these remedies are learned. Remedies and recipes for herbal teas are handed down from generation to generation and are still remembered and used to this day. Unfortunately, that is what fuels the fire of the scientific community and their disdain. It really is their loss, because generations of experience and knowledge should not be so readily dismissed. In fact, many of our modern medicines have their roots in herbal medicine.

With all our so-called advancements in the medical field, it’s interesting that physicians are still treating "effect" rather than "cause."

Thankfully, the current changes in the world toward traditional remedies is changing for the better.

About The Author: Ken Shorey is owner of provides ebooks and information to help you improve your health.

For more information on heart fluttering you can check out

The New And Improved Nutrition Pyramid
Kirsten Hawkins

Just when you were getting the Nutrition Pyramid down to an exact science, the USDA goes and releases an all new nutrition and diet plan for healthy Americans. On April 19, 2005, theUnited States Department of Agriculture unveiled its new MyPyramid nutrition pyramid. Available at its own web site(, the new guidelines aren't so much NEW as they are more in depth, detailed and helpful.

For starters, My Pyramid can be personalized. On the main page,you have the option of entering your age, gender and activity level. Simply click “submit” and get a recommendation that's more specific than '6-11 servings of grain per day'. Instead of those vague, wide-ranging recommendations, you'll get a pyramid that says, "6 ounces of grain products", or 2 1/2 cups vegetables.

Even if that were the ONLY improvement on the new site, it would be tremendous. No more guessing whether you should aim for closer to six servings or closer to eleven. The nutrition calculator factors in your age, gender and activity level(above your normal daily routine) to come up with a recommended caloric intake. From there, it breaks down the calories by foodgroup, and tells you exactly how much of each group you should eat per day for a healthy diet. It's far easier to figure out what 2 cups of milk is than it is to figure out how much '3-5'servings of dairy is!

But it doesn't stop there. Beneath the pyramid chart with the specific serving sizes on it, you'll find a list of links to 'tips' for making the healthiest choices from each food group -divided by food group.

There are some great diet tips there, along with ways to serve foods in appetizing and nutritious ways. A sampling from each category includes:

* Grain: Substitute whole grain cereal for bread crumbs in toppings.
* Vegetables: Try crunchy vegetables raw or lightly steamed.
* Fruits: Try applesauce as a fat-free substitute for oil in baking.
* Milk: Trim down from whole milk to fat-free gradually, week by week.
* Meat/Beans: Replace some of the meat in your diet with nuts.

Want to know how your actual diet stacks up against the dietary guidelines and get specific, personalized recommendations for improving it? Tucked away at the bottom of the list of links in the menu you'll find the My Pyramid Tracker. It's easily the handiest tool that I've ever seen. Enter the foods that you eat in a typical day, click Analyze, and you'll get a detailed analysis that includes the calories, the amount of over 25 specific nutrients, the difference between your diet and an optimum diet, and specific recommendations for changes you should make to eat a healthier diet. Better yet, you can save your history day by day to keep track of your eating habits and watch the improvements. It's the diet diary with a difference.Use it - and see yourself eating better every day.

About The Author: Kirsten Hawkins is a nutrition and health expert from Nashville, TN. Visit for more great nutrition, well-being, and vitamin tips as well as reviews and comments on popular diets.
Stress Can Affect Your Mental Health Making Your Life Difficult
Abbas Abedi

Mental health issues that are caused by stress can range from homicidal or other violent acts towards oneself or drive others to addictions. The range of mental health disorders that are stress related is so broad that it can be difficult to understand how two situations fall in the same category. The days of shock therapy are gone for the
most part, but it still is used for certain mental illnesses. Gone, too, is the routine
procedure of frontal lobotomies to calm patients into total submissiveness.

A large key to dealing with stress related mental health issues is to know how to relieve stress. We now understand that men who are returning from wars endure thoughts and images that affect them in ways that we have only begun to be aware of. Post traumatic stress disorder which is caused by stress can affect victims of abuse and violence of all types. Only recently have we begun to understand how traumatic events can affect the people who survive them.

Despite the many types of mental health disorders that currently exist because of stress, some of them tend to be much more common than others. Mental health disorders are not discriminatory and affect everyone. They do not choose specific people or races to affect. Mental health disorders are equal opportunity problems. These disorders have been proven to be hereditary in some cases but that is the closest generalization that you can expect.

A very common mental illness that is caused by stress is manic/chronic depressive disorder. This is characterized by extreme highs and lows in moods for no apparent reason. Sufferers are irrational and quick to change, in terms of mood. For example, if you suffer from this disorder you are happy—very happy or sad---very sad for no apparent reason. Stress is a major cause of this problem.

Eating disorders, which are also quite common, include anorexia (not eating), and bulimia (binging and purging) are also caused by stress that arises from self esteem. Anxiety disorders are characterized by having an irrational dread of living one's life, to the point where it is incapacitating.

Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) is a form of anxiety disorder where a person obsesses (thinks about) and is compulsive (does) about a particular action such as washing their hands, to the point where he or she repeats this action an inordinate amount of times. Stress is a major aspect of our lives and can lead to serious mental problems if not taken under control. Learning to contain stress can lead to your overall health.

Getting Slim & Trim with Yoga
John Savage

Yoga’s power to create a state of mental and physical well being may also be put to good use for taking off excess weight. Yoga promotes a healthy and balanced life style and when combined with a calorie burning program may show exceptional results. Practicing yoga will also increase your metabolism, increasing the calorie burning process, but you should not see it as an immediate results method. By following the rigors imposed by yoga you will gain a holistic, long term solution to balance your life style and keep off any excessive weight. In addition to loosing weight you will also experience an increased ability to concentrate and focus, higher resistance to stress factors and an all round healthier way of living.

Metabolism is regulated by the thyroid, a component of the endocrine system. It is responsible for the chemical processes in your body that transform food into energy. Yoga uses a series of twisting poses that stimulate the work flow of the internal organs, thus boosting metabolism to burn more calories and reduce your body weight. Improved local circulation is another direct effect of using yoga postures and this leads to a healthier, more energetic body. When the calorie intake is lower than the calorie output your body will start burning fat cells to acquire the necessary energy. A perfectly healthy and strong metabolism takes this process even further and you will see better results than traditional weight loss formulas.

Different back bends, combined with forward bends, are used to stimulate metabolism. Poses that affect the neck area, where the thyroid gland is situated, are especially useful is the weight problem is caused by a hormonal imbalance. These poses can be those of the camel, rabbit, plow, bridge and shoulder stand. Moving quickly between a series of poses can accelerate the process. For people who are significantly overweight some of the bends may prove to be a difficult task to accomplish. They should gradually increase the difficulty of the postures until they are confident enough to go to more complex exercises.

Muscles can be strengthened by using standing poses, such as the warrior. A higher endurance and increased caloric output will also result from using standing poses. Energize the body and increase your metabolism even more by using Kapalabhati and Ujjayi Pranayama.

A proper diet should also be followed to support the holistic weight loss system. Try to consume food rich in fiber, vegetables, whole grains and less high fat and processed food items. Balance is essential in all maters concerning your food and no excess should be made. Do not totally eliminate certain food items from your menu and remember that diversity is the key to an equilibrated and satisfactory diet.

A gradual approach is essential with all yoga practices. Results may not be spectacular and immediate, but this is one of the best long term weight loss methods available. In addition to weight loss you also benefit from an increased protection against adverse factors as well as a general feeling of well being and inner peace.

John Savage is a former health education officer and is a great fan of yoga. For Free Information on one of the best books I have come across on yoga Click Here

Cheesy Broccoli Casserole Recipe
Barney Garcia

This is a great recipe for the holidays or a family get-together. Its great because it is easy and stress free, while everyone will love it because it is so cheesy and delicious. This recipe will produce the best tasting dish when using fresh produce. So unless you absolutely cannot get fresh broccoli, do not use frozen vegetables. You can serve this dish with roasted baby potatoes that have been coated in olive oil and Italian seasoning. For desert try having a carrot cake with cream cheese icing.

Yields 10 servings
Prep time:15 Minutes
Cook Time: 40 Minutes
Ready In: 55 Minutes
Ingredients:4 heads of fresh broccoli, chopped1 ½ cups of shredded American cheese1 (10.75 ounce) can of condensed cream of mushroom soup1 ½ teaspoons of salt2 teaspoons of ground black pepper3 tablespoons of butter2 cups of crushed, seasoned croutons

First, preheat the oven to 350 degrees F, or 175 degrees C. Then Bring a pot of lightly salted water to a boil and cook the broccoli in the boiling water for about 1 minute. Then drain, and set aside. Next, In a saucepan over medium heat, mix the cheese, cream of mushroom soup, salt, and pepper together. Stir until the cheese is melted and add the broccoli, while stirring to coat. Transfer the mixture to a 9×13 inch baking dish. In a separate saucepan, melt the butter over medium heat and mix in the croutons, and sprinkle over the broccoli mixture.

Bake for 30 minutes in the preheated oven, until the topping is browned and the broccoli is tender.This is a great recipe for the holidays or a family get-together. Its great because it is easy and stress free, while everyone will love it because it is so cheesy and delicious. This recipe will produce the best tasting dish when using fresh produce. So unless you absolutely cannot get fresh broccoli, do not use frozen vegetables. You can serve this dish with roasted baby potatoes (see recipe below)

Per Serving:
Calories 375Fat 12.5gCarbohydrates 10gFiber 7gCalcium 20mg

Roasted Baby Potatoes
1 lb of baby potatoes, cut in halfEnough olive oil to coat themItalian Seasoning Spice

Preheat oven to 350F or 175C. Cut the baby potatoes in half, and put in a plastic bag with the olive oil and coat. Spread evenly on a baking sheet and season liberally with the Italian Spice. Place on middle rack in oven and cook for 30 minutes, or until potatoes are tender.
Snoring 101
Barney Garcia

Snoring takes place when the air passage is blocked which hinders easy and normal breathing during sleep. When you are awake, the muscles in the throat keep the throat open. When you are asleep, the muscles are in a relax mode and sag inward. It is during this time when a blockage is created at the airway that snoring occurs. The sound of snoring varies with the degree of obstruction. When your nose is blocked, you breathe through the mouth that may cause you to snore. The main cause of snoring is air blockage, and air blockage can be caused by alcohol, smoking, sleeping pills, blocked nose, sinusitis, enlarged tonsils, excess body weight and an allergy to dust, mold, wheat and eggs.

A snorer can have sleep apnea where the snorer stops breathing for a couple of seconds, around 10-30 seconds, which is long enough to reduce oxygen in the blood and brain. This condition is followed by loud snorts where the snorer awakes abruptly a few times in the night. They gasp for air or may have a jerking limb. Sleep apnea is also called obstructive sleep apnea syndrome. Snoring can run in the family. The snorers can hear their own voice only when they are half-awake.

Snoring can take place in a seated position also. Treating the snoring and sleeping problem in children eliminates Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder.

Almost all snoring cures revolve around clearing the blockage in the breathing passage. Snoring can be avoided through th following ways –

· Place the pillow below the head so as to elevate the head or elevate the head of the bed by 4 inches. This reduces the effect of gravity.

· Try to lose weight. It prevents fat from pressing round the throat.

· Avoid alcohol and sleeping pills before bed. They relax the muscles and constrict the air passage.

· Avoid rich food like chocolates before bedtime.

· Avoid eating a heavy meal before bed. When your stomach is full, it presses the diaphragm upwards and weighs down on the breating action.

· Stop smoking, especially before going to bed since it may cause swelling of the throat’s lining.

· Using natural anti-snoring pills and anti-snoring nasal spray.

· Snore-reduce pillows reduce noise generation.

· Singing helps to reduce snoring since the tones flabby muscles in the back of the throat.

· Drink 2 cups of hot chinese tea or noni leaf tea 1-2 hours before going to bed.

· The airway is opened through steam inhalation. Add a few drops of eucalyptus oil in hot water and inhale the steam.

· Surgical procedures, dental appliances and nose clips are other ways of reducing snoring.Snoring, because of reduced oxygen going to the brain, can cause premature death, type II diabetes, high blood pressure, hypertension, stroke and heart disease. The loudest snore on record was 93 decibels.
How to Increase Your Male Libido Naturally
Stephen Todd

To increase male libido naturally, you should try the supplements outlined here - not only will they increase male libido they will also make you feel happier and healthier. So here are the best supplements for increasing male libido:

L argentine
This nutrient is highly important for peak sexual performance. In fact, it is probably the most effective natural supplement for increasing male libido.
Current studies support the use of argentine supplements to ensure that nitric oxide secretion is sufficient to keep blood flowing to the penis.
Nitric oxide insufficiency can stop the penis from becoming erect, as it relaxes smooth muscles in the penis during sexual stimulation, allowing increased blood flow to the penis – so it’s needed to produce and sustain an erection.
A study published in 1994 showed an 80 percent improvement in the erectile function of men given 2.8 grams of argentine a day for two weeks.

· L Tyrosine
Supports and assists neurotransmitters in the brain. Reduced levels of L-Tyrosine are present when your body’s under stress, aged, or tired.
L-Tyrosine supplementation helps reduce stress, improves mental alertness, and enhances mood, which in many instances manifests itself in increased male libido.

· Gingko Bilbao
Used to improve blood flow around the body, and functions as an anti-oxidant in the body.
Ginkgo is a standard herbal remedy for male sexual dysfunction and increasing male libido, due to its affect on blood circulation.

· Ginseng
Korean Ginseng - used in China as a sexual balancer and revitalizing tonic for over 7000 years - an adaptogen, and believed to help maintain balance in the body and help the body adapt to stress.Korean Ginseng is widely known for its ability to boost energy (including sex drive) and support the immune system.As an adaptogen, it also helps you adapt to physical or emotional stress and fatigue.Ginseng also has a normalizing effect on hormone imbalances, and boosts metabolic rate, as well as improving blood flow to the genitals.

· Selenium
Selenium - believed to be good for sperm production and mobility - nearly 50% of the selenium in a man is in the testes and seminal ducts; men lose selenium in their semen.Getting enough selenium is therefore vital for peak sexual performance and male libido.

· Zinc
Zinc is required for the production of testosterone, and the zinc content of the prostate gland and sperm, is higher than in any other body tissues.A deficiency of zinc is associated with numerous sexual problems, including sperm abnormalities and prostate disease.Zinc not only helps produce testosterone, but also helps to maintain semen volume and adequate levels of testosterone, therefore maintaining sex drive and keeping sperm healthy.

· Magnesium
Magnesium is a trace mineral that is important for the production of sex hormones such as androgen, estrogen and neurotransmitters that modulate the sex drive - such as dopamine and nor epinephrine.

· Essential Vitamins

Vitamin A
Helps regulate the synthesis of the sex hormone progesterone.

Vitamin B1
Thiamine (B1) is essential for optimal nerve transmission and energy production throughout the body - which means it's essential for sex.

Vitamin C
Participates in the synthesis of hormones that are involved in sex and fertility: androgen, estrogen and progesterone

Vitamin E
Often referred to as the sex vitamin, is a powerful anti-aging antioxidant that protects cell membranes from free-radical damage.Vitamin E is also required for the synthesis of hormones, and hormone like substances known as prostaglandin.

More sexuality information and FREE exclusive diet and health magazines, are available on our web site:
Hair Loss Help The Basic Facts
Norman Holden

I would like to preface this article by saying that quite often the right information can completely change a person's attitude towards a problem. Please read this carefully and I hope it will help you.

It is generally well known that both men and women can suffer significant hair loss.

Having said that it may not , however, be well known that more than 50% of men,at some time in their lives, will suffer with Male Pattern Baldness (MPB.) also known as androgenetic alopecia . There is no evidence at the present time to suggest that this will happen at any particular time in a person's life.

The major reason which accounts for hair loss is a genetically inherited sensitivity to Dihydrotestosterone (DHT) and 5 - alpha- reductase. The enzyme 5 -alpha-reductase actually converts testosterone, a male hormone , to DHT . This is the substance which has been identified as the end cause for hair loss.

There is a general acceptance in the community that most male hair loss follows a pattern which has been codified in a table called the Norwood Scale. This scale has seven patterns of hair, which are identified as follows:

Norwood Scale 1 - This is considered as being a normal head of hair, and consequently has no visible hair loss.

Norwood Scale 2 - This is considered a primary stage of of hair loss, with the hair receding in a wedge shaped pattern from front to back of the head.

Norwood Scale 3 - The hair is still receding in a wedge shaped pattern, but the hairline has now receded farther back into the frontal and the temporal regions.

Norwood Scale 4 - The hair is still receding but is now a lot more severe in the frontal and temporal regions. In addition to the more severe recession of the hairline in the frontal and temporal regions there is hair loss at the very top centre of the head. Generally, however, there will be a bridge of hair which remains between that region and the front.

Norwood Scale 5 - The bridge of hair, between the frontal region and the top centre is also known as the vertex and at this stage the hair in this region will have started to become thin.

Norwood Scale 6 - The hair loss at this stage has become quite severe, and the bridge of hair between the frontal area and the vertex will have disappeared completely.

Norwood Scale 7 - This is the final stage of hair loss. The hair has now receded back to the base of the head, and also to just above the ears on the sides.

It is generally accepted that the Norwood patterns are genetically determined.

Article written by Norman Holden editor and owner of hppt:// a website about Hair Loss Treatment and Transplant Visit his website on a regular basis for up-to-date news and help.

Friday, June 02, 2006

A Woman's Guide to Applying Makeup When You Have Acne
By: Paul Duxbury

Most teenage women face the unique challenge of applying makeup when pimples are prominent. There is a system to it that most women can follow that works quite well. The first step is to gently wash the face with cold water and soap. Then dab the face dry, carefully. After the face is dry, apply an astringent, which should be a part of every woman’s beauty supplies. Almost any drugstore will carry something suitable to use as astringent. If you have several blemishes, try using a concealer or stick cover-up. This goes right on the blemish and can be blended in to hide the acne. Next, carefully use your fingers to apply foundation to the blemished area. Then continue with the rest of the face, applying foundation with the fingers. After these steps are complete, continue with standard application of the makeup, and follow up with an application of face powder. The end result should be less noticeable pimples.

Of course this is using standard makeup and the downside is that some makeup can clog the pores. Consider changing brands to a makeup that does not clog pores and perhaps even to a makeup that is designed specifically for teenagers who have acne problems. Many times these makeup will come with complete instructions. This can make the job a lot easier. Also these makeup products often contain a topical ingredient that kills bacteria and helps to clean out pores. Look for non-allergic makeup that can help reduced the redness and reactions of skin irritations.

In addition, preparation for application of makeup can be easier with proper hygiene. Over washing the face can actually damage the skin, but carefully washing the face once or twice a day, especially with cold water and a mild soap or cleanser can do wonders. Also proper skin care using moisturizers and exfoliants can help keep the skin clear and healthy and help to keep the acne problem in check.

Many young women choose to forego the wearing of makeup when acne is causing problems, but many teenage young women find that the anxiety of teenage years is lessened when one can wear makeup. Covering up the unsightly blemishes can raise their self-esteem. There is really no right or wrong concerning wearing make up over acne. Every young woman facing the problem of acne must make her own choice as to what is best for her in this instance. Just as young men must decide if shaving is something they want to engage in during acne outbreaks, young women must deal with acne and makeup.

Consulting a specialist in makeup can often be a good place to start when determining the type of makeup best to use during these years. Many department stores have makeup specialists who receive specialized training in this area. Most make up associates are particularly empathetic to the plight of the teenage girl, since they were once teenage girls themselves. Many of these department stores hold special workshops and seminars on makeup application, and those that cater to teenagers often take up the subject of acne blemishes and both how to cover them up properly and how to fight acne with proper skin care.

There are also direct sales organizations that specialize in providing high quality cosmetics to women, and many of these companies, with good reputations gained from years in the business, have specially designed products that fight acne and make the process of applying makeup during an outbreak easier than it used to be. Finding a good makeup artist who can help you with this process is a big help with the problem of acne and makeup application.

One tip that can help teenage girls that enjoy wearing makeup is to try several special products and visit local make up counters at the malls and department stores. This can help young girls find make up and other facial products that are helpful. When visiting department stores to find a specific brand of make up, try several lines and colors. Also, build trust with the sales associate so that you can get better tips about makeup. Make sure they understand that you suffer from acne and are looking for products to lessen the severity of outbreaks.

Actions to Avoid When Clearing Up Acne

There are many good and bad points to keep in mind when clearing up acne. Most of the good tips are usually a matter of common sense. Eat right, exercise, take vitamins and keep fit. Your immune system will fight off acne if you keep it strong. If you use medication, either prescription or over the counter, follow the directions you are given. Stay out of the sun. Use proper hygiene.

The list of “don’ts” might not be as obvious, but it is equally important. To start with, don’t pop pimples. Many well meaning people will tell you to do so, but do not try this method. The result can make the problem worse. You could wind up driving the bacteria deeper into the skin or spreading the bacteria to other parts of the skin. This can create an infection that can be painful and just make the acne problem bigger.

Next, and perhaps most important, do not assume that everyone who gives you advice knows how properly handle acne outbreaks. Many people are well intentioned, but wrong. They will tell you to avoid fried foods, avoid chocolate, and get out in the sun. However, this advice is not accurate and can often lead to bigger issues. Regarding chocolate and fried foods, remember that while good nutrition is important and recommended, as is regular exercise, there is no medical or scientific data that shows a relationship of any kind between diet and acne. The old chocolate and fried foods myth is just that, a myth. Listen to what others say, but remember that you can still eat the foods you enjoy and take care of your skin.

If you are a man and are having a bad acne outbreak, be careful shaving. You may want to shave in patches on your face, use an electric razor, or simply wait and shave after the outbreak dissipates. If you are a woman, be careful during makeup application. Use makeup that do not clog pores, and if possible switch to makeup that includes antibacterial topical ointments as ingredients. If possible take a short class or seminar to learn the proper way to apply makeup during an acne outbreak.

Next, despite what some people have told you, the sun does not cure acne. If you go out in the sun remember that it can be hard on your skin. Wear sunglasses, wear a hat, and wear a sun blocking lotion or ointment. Go to the pharmacy and find a sunscreen that does not clog pores and you will be much better off and happier.

Do not wash your face to excess. Once or twice a day, gentle washing with cold water, and a mild soap or cleanser is all you need. Excessive washing of the face can damage the skin and lead to more acne problems.

If you are using a topical ointment, continue to do so. Make sure that is helps to unclog pores and kills bacteria, and choose an ointment that bacteria do not grow resistant to. Bacteria in the pores collects with dead skin and oil and grows, creating pimples that can be quite painful. Taking steps to keep pores unclogged and keeping bacteria in check will lead to fewer pimples, and hopefully they won’t last as long. You can’t give rid of pimples entirely, but you can reduce the numbers.

Don’t think that you are alone in this. All teenagers have acne problems. All adults were once teenagers and went through the same thing you are going through now. People understand, so do not be embarrassed. Many teenagers make the mistake of letting acne ruin their self-esteem. They become embarrassed to go to school or to visit friends because of the large zit on the nose. Just remember that everyone has had a large zit on their nose at one time or another, and don’t worry about it.

Also it is important to remember that if the acne problem is becoming worse, don’t hesitate to consult a professional. A dermatologist can help you if your acne is out of control. See a medical professional and get information on all of the treatments available. Hormone treatment, topical antibiotics, oral antibiotics and even alternative treatments like acupuncture, light therapy and topical applications like tea tree oil area available. Take advantage of the fact that professionals are available who understand your problem and if you need one, consult one.

Pillows and Pregnancy
Charles Kassotis

Pillows are generally though of as giving us a comfortable place to lay our heads, or as something that we use to lean against on couches. But there are other uses for pillows. Many of them have special shapes to fit special uses. And one of those uses is during pregnancy. You can use regular and special pillows to add comfort during your pregnancy.

A pregnant woman often finds that she is stuck carrying an increasingly large and uncomfortable load. Her body becomes awkward, and even when laying down she is uncomfortable (special note: during the third trimester one should spend as little time on one’s back as possible). This is because the belly is unwieldy and the body isn’t quite built for comfort in such a state. Using a pillow can help provide support and help ease the discomfort associated with being pregnant.

When using a regular pillow, there are ways to help feel more comfortable. One these ways is to lie on your side, holding the pillow between your legs. Other women find it is more comfortable when sitting to have a pillow in their lap. This gives the belly something to rest on rather than just pulling downward with gravity. Both of these uses for ordinary pillows can result in more ease. These methods both help take some of the pressure off the back, and can help the woman’s back hurt less during pregnancy.

There are also special pillows that can be used to help ease the body during pregnancy. These pillows are specially made to fit the contours of a woman’s body so that they fit easily and comfortably. They are simple to use, and do not require a great deal of extra shifting around and special measures to hold them in place. When the pillow fits the body, it is just easier to work with.

One of these pillows is a pillow that looks like an inner tube with an open end. This snugs right around a sitting woman, just as an inner tub might. It holds up the belly and can provide great relief. A regular pillow might slip out of position, but the special pillow is made to wrap around the body so it stays put. And this pillow is also helpful after giving birth: it can provide an arm rest of sorts for a mother holding or breast feeding her baby. There are other pillows that are made in a shape that fits comfortable between the knees. This sort of a pillow is ergonomically designed for comfort and simply provides a level of comfort unmatched by the regular pillow.

As one might expect, the special pillows do cost more than a regular pillow, but the intangibles in the form of comfort and ease of use often outweigh the cost for many people. These pillows come in a variety of colors, and with the ability to order pillows containing different designs. You can usually find the special pillows in a baby store, a mother supply store, or easily on the Internet.

Thursday, June 01, 2006

Cabbage Soup Diet – For Dieters who Don't like Cabbage!
Stephen Todd

The Cabbage Soup Diet is a low-fat, high-fiber diet that will help you kick start your weight loss program. It also provides plenty of motivation - when anyone starts dieting they want to see results quickly and that’s exactly what the cabbage soup diet achieves.

There is a recipe for cabbage soup at the end of this article,but if you hate cabbage don’t worry, today many heath food shops now offering pills with the same nutrients, and lets face it there are a lot of people who don’t like cabbage!

Where the daily instructions mention cabbage soup, you can substitute cabbage diet supplement pills, if you prefer.

Following the cabbage soup diet.

Follow it EXACTLY for a week and the pounds will melt away!

If you don’t follow it exactly you will completely defeat the object of the diet - keep in mind it’s only for seven days and is well worth it.

Here are the basics of the diet and some ways to maximize your results:

Day One:
Fruit: Eat all of the fruit you want (no bananas). Eat only your soup and the fruit for the first day. Drinks- unsweetened teas,cranberry juice and water.

Day Two:
Vegetables: Eat any fresh, raw or cooked vegetables and as much as you want.

Try to eat leafy green vegetables and stay away from dry beans,peas and corn.

Eat all the vegetables you want along with your soup. At dinner,a big baked potato with butter can be eaten. Do not eat fruit.

Day Three:
Mix Days One and Two: Eat all the soup, fruits and vegetables you want but No Baked Potato.

Day Four:
Bananas and Skim Milk:
Eat up to eight bananas and drink as many glasses of skimmed milk
as you want on this day, along with your soup.

Day Five:
Beef And Tomatoes: Ten to twenty ounces of beef and up to sixf resh tomatoes can be eaten.

Drink at least 6 to 8 glasses of water this day to wash the uric acid from your body.

Eat your soup at least once this day. You may eat broiled or baked chicken instead of beef (no skin-on chicken). If you prefer, you can substitute broiled fish for the beef on one of the beef days (but not both).

Day Six:
Beef and Vegetables: Eat to your heart's content of beef and
vegetables this day. You can even have 2 or 3 steaks if you like,with leafy green vegetables. No Baked Potato. Eat your soup at least once.

Day Seven:
Brown rice, unsweetened fruit juices and vegetables: As much as you want.It’s over, and you will have lost weight!If it sounds easy, but wait until you try it! The cabbage soup diet is not easy for many dieters but the results are well worth the effort.

One week only

The Cabbage Soup Diet is full nutritious vegetables and fruit,and is extremely low in fat, but to stress again: This diet is for one week only.

The cabbage soup diet is too low in complex carbohydrates,protein, vitamins and minerals to continue for a long period oftime. You need to resume normal eating patterns for at least twoweeks before trying it again.

Six things to keep in mind

1. Follow the diet EXACTLY - if you don’t, then it wont work

2. Drink at least 4 - 6 glasses of water per day

3. Keep motivated! - Keep in mind that it's only for seven days

4. Complement the diet with a multivitamin and mineral tablet

5. Eat plenty of soup - as much as you want! If you hate the soup use over the counter pills

The cabbage soup diet is one of the most effective ways to kickstart a weight loss program.

It provides quick results and although not easy, dieters know they only need to do it for seven days and can have a break before resuming if necessary.

Finally, it provides plenty of motivation to keep losing weight,once quick weight loss has been achieved

Here is a recipe for the cabbage soup diet:

Cabbage Soup Diet Recipe

6 Large Green Onions
2 Green Peppers
1-2 Cans Diced Tomatoes
1 Bunch of Celery
1 Package Lipton Onion Soup Mix
1-2 Cubes of Bouillon (if desired)
1 Cabbage Head


1) Cut the vegetables into small pieces and cover with water, you can also use V-8 juice.

2) Boil the ingredients fast for 10 minutes.

3) Reduce to simmer and continue cooking the cabbage soup until all of the vegetables are tender.

Season the cabbage soup to taste with salt, pepper, garlicpowder, parsley, or whatever spice you want to add.

More dieting and general health information and FREE exclusivediet and health magazines, are available on our web site:

Make your own Bath Bombs!
Paul Duxbury

Bath bombs are easy to make and provide a delightful fizzing adventure in the tub. If you do not know what a bath bomb is, it is a sweet scented mixture of citric acid, baking soda and other ingredients that fizz when you plop them into your tub.

As your bomb fizzes, the scent is released filling the room with a comforting aroma that lasts for hours.

To make bath bombs, you will need 1/3 part citric acid, and 2/3 part bakingsoda as well as some witch hazel in a spray bottle.

First, mix the baking soda and citric acid together well, so that they are blended well. Next, add colorant if desired (you can use dried herbs for colour, just a pinch or so) and enough fragrance to scent the mixture well.

Now, grab your witch hazel, and work fast as the mixture will start fizzing once you start adding the hazel. Sprits with one hand, and stir well with the other hand until the mixture is thoroughly wet with a consistency of play dough.

Now firmly press your mixture into moulds (ice cube trays work well), then let your bombs sit overnight until dry.

If your bombs fizz in the moulds, just continue pressing them down, This just means that you used too much witch hazel resulting in a mixture thatwas too wet. Over time you will know what consistency is best for the humidity in your area. Until then, practice makes perfect.

The more you pack your mixture into your mould, the longer lasting and harder your bombs will be.

Your bath bombs can be used for yourself, as gifts to family and friends or sold to make some spare cash.

A nice way to package your bombs for gift giving would be to wrap them in cellophane and place a few in a large coffee cup, along with a sealed bag of hot cocoa, tea or coffee and a small candle.

Wrap this attractively in colourful wrap, add a bow, and you have a mini spa treat that is sure to please anyone.

Paul is Head of Training for a major UK Charitable Organisation with awealth of experience in personal development, management development,e-learning and operational management. In addition he owns PK eBooks ( and has just published a Guide to Making Soaps and Candles which can be found at
The Charcot Foot Condition - A Little Known Diabetes Complication
Belver Ladson

Charcot Foot disease is a little known complication that can affect anyone who has diabetes. This condition also occurs in non-diabetic patients too, but diabetics can be more prone to this disease due to a diabetic complication known as neuropathy (nerve damage) Nerve damage can stop someone from feeling pain, so the foot can get injured without the person being aware that something is wrong.

The Charcot Foot condition is a very serious condition. Joints and bones can literally be crushed without being known to the sufferer. Imagine breaking your foot and not knowing that it’s broken due to no pain being felt. As time wears on, those broken bones (and sometimes joints) can suffer irreparable damage, with the person walking on the foot normally instead of the foot being in a cast and trying to heal.

Once this damage happens the foot can become misshapen, become dislocated, warm to the touch, and the arch of the foot can literally collapse. The Charcot condition is often called a “silent” disease since a sufferer might not know there is a problem until massive damage has occurred.

Treatment for this condition, traditionally has been to apply a cast so the fractures and dislocations can heal. The foot would be immobilized for a long period of time (often a year or more). Surgery, although done in some cases is ruled out for many patients due to an increased risk of the foot not healing properly.

Some patients must wear a special brace on their foot/leg in order to be able to walk with the Charcot condition present. It’s extremely important for the foot to stay as stable as possible in order to avoid future additional damage such as ulcers, infection and amputation.

A Charcot Foot (also called a Charcot Fracture) can bring devastating changes to a person’s life. Day-to-day activities can be limited and the person might find themselves immobilized for long periods of time, sometimes having to use a wheelchair to get around. Often people can go back to work after treatment with limitations and/or corrective shoes/braces.

About The Author
Belver Ladson has been a diabetes educator for the past ten years and has strived to help people with diabetes live long, fulfilling lives. Belver's life goal is to help others see the goodness in life and to let them know that hope is always present. Belver can be reached at

Understanding And Dealing With Everyday Stress

Stress is an abnormal condition that disrupts the normalfunctions of the body or mind. No two people are affected inexactly the same way, or to the same degree, but most peopleliving in our highly industrialized society suffer from itseffects at one or more times during their lives. Symptoms rangefrom mind headaches, occasional bouts of insomnia, overallrestlessness, digestive problems, irritable bowel syndrome,constipation and diarrhea, and abdominal pain.


Death of Spouse.
Death of a close family member
Death of a close friend.
Major personal injury, illness or pregnancy.
Sexual molestation, drug abuse.
Major change in the health or behavior of a family member.
Gaining or losing a new family member.
Sexual difficulties.Marital separation from mate.
Marriage, marital reconciliation, divorce.
Arguments with spouse, family members, friends, co-workers.
Changes in sleeping habits or change in part of day when asleep.
Vacations, Major holidays.
In-law troubles.
Financing major purchases.Beginning or ceasing formal schooling.
Change in usual type and or amount of recreation.
Change in outside social activities, religions, etc.
Major change in eating habits, Iiving conditions, moving.
Spouse beginning or ceasing work outside the home.
Changing to a different line of work.
Major change in responsibilities at work.
Changes in working hours or conditions.
Troubles with the boss.Being fired at work.
Starting a new job or career.
Retirement from work.
Business readjustment, changes in financial condition.
Minor violations of the law (e.g., traffic tickets, disturbingthe peace, etc.)
Detention in jail or other institution.

Dealing With Work Related Stress

Examples that can cause work related stress are trying to gettoo much work done in too little time, cutting corners orotherwise taking chances that may put you, or someone else atrisk, and trying to get along with superiors and co-workers.

Everybody has days when there simply seems there's too much workto get done. Trying to get everything done by yourself can bring on stress. Some people try and deal with the pressure by delegating certain jobs to others. If you can unburden yourself and not worry about when and how the work gets done, if you can put full faith and trust in co-workers or subordinates it can bean effective escape valve. Trouble is, most people can't let go.If you have the type of personality that demands to know how things are going, chances are you're only increasing the pressure and stress on yourself by constantly worrying if the work is getting done or not.

To lessen stress you must either learn to trust others to getthe job done, or prioritize jobs to get rid of "what must bedone" first. Many people tend to "put off" the difficult jobsthey hate to do until the last possible minute. Of course, thisonly makes it all the more difficult and stressful when youfinally get around to doing what you should have done earlier.

When you feel the "walls closing in on you" if possible, take abreak. Many people in trying to relax actually kick their bodiesinto overdrive by using their break time to either get anicotine or caffeine fix. Instead of calming you down, bothsubstances being stimulants speed up your body processes. Youmay think you're relaxing, but your blood pressure and heart areworking harder.

Instead of coffee or cigarettes try a brief chat with friends, ashort leisurely walk, even just looking out the window for a fewminutes. Never take breaks, or eat lunch at your work station.The point of a break is to get away from whatever work you'redoing. You can't get your mind off your work if you're chainedto your work area.

Getting along with your co-workers and the boss can be more thana sore point. It can be something you learn to put up with, orit can turn into a festering wound that only gets worse withtime. If you're having problems, get them out in the open. Mostmanagers today at least have some training in dealing withpersonal problems. If you can't clear the air or have triedusing all the company procedures to resolve a grievance, and youno longer enjoy your job, hate to go to work in the morning, orfeel that the pressure is getting to be too much, it may be timeto seriously consider a change.


Anyone who's ever been stuck in a major traffic jam probably hasseen the darker side of many people's personalities. It seemseveryone is always in a hurry to either get, or go somewhere,and never seem to allow enough time for the everyday problemsthat are bound to crop up from time to time.

Banging on the steering wheel, laying on the horn, givingsomeone the "finger," or shooting a string of obscenities isonly reacting to something that has already happened. You can'tmake the guy in front of you go any faster, or prevent someonefrom cutting you off. Accidents, road repairs, and just plainheavy traffic happens. Learn to deal with it or don't drive. Ifyou must, at least change your route from time to time. Alwaysallow plenty of time, and try and make all trips as pleasant aspossible. You may not realize it, but how you act on your way towork, or on your way home will have either a positive ornegative impact. Accept the fact that it's something you justhave to get through so you may as well try and make the best ofit.

Most people are smart enough to know that they should set sometime aside to take it easy. If you participate in some sportsactivity, remember you're doing it to relax! While many peoplenaturally have their competitive nature come to the surface whenengaging athletics, don't lose sight of the fact you'reparticipating to have fun. Don't get bent out of shape if youdon't always win or otherwise play up to par. The whole point isto enjoy yourself and forget your everyday worries. Treat it asa night out with the "boys," or gals and relax!

Families can be as source of support, an oasis away from theeveryday pressures or sometimes it's only a place to grab a fewhours sleep and get back in the rat race. Your children, spouse,family members, in-laws can be a source of irritation at times.If someone is constantly doing something that really "bugs you,"tell the offending person or persons and see if things can bestraightened out before things get out of control.

A man's home (a woman's too) should indeed be a place to restand relax. Many people find it helpful unwind by sharing theday's events with their loved ones. It should not develop into adaily routine, nor should you give a detailed blow by blow recapof the day's events, but when things go wrong, who better totalk to than your family? Holding things back, keeping it insideyourself, almost always does more harm than good and can affectnot only your well-being but everyone else in your family aswell. Talking things over is a great way to get rid of built upstress that many people overlook.

You should also be a good listener. Don't unload your problemsand have no time for your mate's or children's problems. Theymay seem trivial to you, but they are real problems that needsolving just like yours.

A great way to get rid of stress is, every once in a while, dosomething totally different and unexpected without any priorplanning. Don't fall into a trap when you must do such and suchthing a certain way, or at specific time or place. If you alwaysput on a blue suit on Thursday, or go to an Italian restauranton Tuesday, break the habit every once in a while. Even doingthings you like can become stressful if you're stuck in the sameold rut week after boring week.

Stress can best be managed by realizing what you can changeabout your life and knowing what you can't. Learn how torecognize the difference and you'll enjoy life more and bebetter able to deal the ups and downs that are part of everyone's life.