Friday, June 16, 2006

Boost the immune system the natural way
David McEvoy

Since Dr Peter Koeppel, one of the leading experts onimmunology and biochemistry at a leading Swisspharmaceutical company released a paper on the use ofnucleotides and RNA for human health applications. Muchinformation has been sought regarding these valuablebuilding blocks.

In part one of this series we will explain what anucleotide is and how it links in very closely with ourDNA. The beneficial implications of supplementing thedaily diet with these naturally derived conditionallyessential dietary building blocks, that are know asnucleotides will be explained in part 2.

Where do nucleotides come from?

As any good nutritionist will tell you, any thing that thehuman body needs can be obtained from food. Foods that are naturally high in nucleotides are listed below.
• Liver• Tripe• Lean Meat• Fish• Mushrooms• Fungi• Yeast extract

However to boost your immune system from nucleotides wemust take them in a more concentrated form, this will becovered in more depth in the next article.

Part 1.

Understanding Nucleotides and DNADr Koeppel states that nucleotides are the building blocksthat are necessary for making new DNA and RNA.To help usunderstand this better; we need to think back to highschool when we learned about the double-helix of DNA.Remember the spiral-appearing ladder with the differentcolored rungs? That is a model of the DNA that makes up thegenes and chromosomes found in us all. DNA is a very largemolecule, and the rungs of the DNA ladder are made of acombination of two different nucleotides. The nucleotidesare molecules, called guanosine and cytosine, that pair uptogether, or adenosine and thymidine, which also pair uptogether. Adenosine and guanosine are called purines.Cytosine, thymidine and uradine are called pyrimidines. RNAis similar to DNA, except that the molecule uradinereplaces thymine in that pair, and RNA is an intermediarybetween DNA and protein. A gene is a discrete sequence ofDNA nucleotides, and genes are what make up ourchromosomes. So, it makes sense that genes are made of DNA.

While all of this sounds very technical, what you need tounderstand is that nucleotides are molecules that areessential to the creation of new DNA and RNA moleculeswhich are then used by new cells of all kinds. This isimportant because nucleotides, either by themselves, or incombination with other molecules, are involved in almostall activities of the cell (and therefore, the body).

What is DNA in layman’s terms?

Deoxyribonucleic acid, DNA, which makes up the geneticmaterial in cells, is comprised of units callednucleotides.


Nucleotides can be simply described as the nutritionalbuilding blocks of new cells. There are 5 keynucleotides, which form the crucial building blocks of DNAand RNA, and are therefore essential for ongoing new cellproduction and system repair.

In part 2, we are going to explain how nucleotides areinvolved in many of our body’s vital functions, and moreimportantly how by supplementing our diet with nucleotideswe can help to boost our immune systems.