Sunday, April 23, 2006

Stevia the Sweetener Herb
by Monica Resinger

While shopping for vegetable garden plants at our local homestore last night, I was elated to find the sweetener herb Stevia! After wegot home, I picked a leaf, took a nibble and was shocked at how sweet it really was.

In an effort to learn a little more about this plant, I did a web search andwill share with you what I learned.

Stevia Rebaudiana is a small perennial shrub which belongs to theChrysanthemum family. This plant is the only known species thathas the ability to sweeten.

Stevia in its natural herb form is 10 to 15 times sweeter thangranulated sugar. Here are some wonderful benefits of using Stevia:

~It's diabetic safe
~It's calorie free
~It does not adversely affect blood sugar
~It is non toxic
~Inhibits the formation of cavities and plaque
~It can be used for cooking

Growing it:It's best to start with plants because it is difficult to growfrom seed.

Young Stevia plants are sensitive to low temperatures, so don'tplant it out until danger of frost is gone and soil temperature is in the 50'sor 60's.

They should be planted 18 inches apart. They grow to about 30 inchestall and 18 inches wide. It likes a rich soil and its feeder roots are nearthe soil surface, so adding a mulch of compost is a good idea. Stevia roots aresensitive to excessive moisture, so be sure the soil drains easily. It is aperennial, but the plant is sensitive to frost, so don't leave it outside throughthe fall and winter months if your area gets frosts.

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