Use Fresh Herbs In Your Cooking
Lee Dobbins
Many common herbs that you might use in cooking are well knownfor their healing properties. Using them in cooking is a greatway to incorporate the healing attributes of natural herbs withyour meals. Chances are you probably already use some herbs inyour cooking like basil and thyme but experimenting with evenmore herbs can add taste to your dishes while improving health.
Cooking with fresh herbs is just as easy as using dried herbs.Just chop up a bit of the herb and season to taste. You willneed to use about twice as much of the fresh herb than thedried. You may want to wait until the last 20 minutes ofcooking to add the herb so the taste stays crisp. Herbs can beused to flavor any foods. Commonly used in pasta sauces, herbscan also be added to soups, oils, eggs and even desserts and drinks.
You can grow your own herbs in the garden on window sill andhave fresh herbs all the time. Some grocery stores have freshherbs right in the produce section and, of course, you canalways find dried herbs in the baking section. If you grow yourown herbs, you can freeze them or dry them yourself in adehydrator to have for future use.
Here's some food and herb combinations that I like to use whencooking with fresh herbs:
• Eggs with dill• Pesto with basil• Mint in any tea or punch• Parsley with salad• Rosemary and Thyme on oven roasted potatoes• Basil and sage added to flavor butter
If you have a special condition or illness that might betreated with herbs, then feel free to incorporate the herbsinto your usual cooking. Start by adding a small amount of theherb(s) and taste - add more to suit. This is a great way torealize the healthy benefit of herbs without having to rememberto take pills.
About The Author: Lee Dobbins writes for pet and health related websites. Visit for more onnatural home remedies and herbs.
Friday, April 21, 2006
Ganoderma Lucidum - The Wonder Herb.
Terry Dunn
One of the most apparent influences modern times has brought topeople is their realization of going back to the basics, to thenatural, and to the organic. Although the advances brought bytechnology has made life easier to people, many are stilllooking for better organic alternatives that are proven to bemore effective in their most natural of form, like GanodermaLucidum or commonly known as “Ganoderma.”
Believed by the Chinese as the “Miraculous King of Herbs,”Ganoderma Lucidum is highly-regarded for its medicinalproperties that help improve human body’s healing ability whilehelping its user to maintain good physical shape. Aside frompromoting longevity, Ganoderma Lucidum has unique propertiesthat contribute much to the strengthening of the immune system.Somewhat rare in the West, Ganoderma Lucidum has been worshippedas a kind of herbal medicine the emperors of the great Japaneseand Chinese dynasties drank with their special teas andmushroom concoctions to achieve greater vitality and longerlife. Ganoderma Lucidum was also believed to be visible in the“elixir of eternal youth” that the ancient Taoists constantlysearched for.
A fungus known by its many names like “Reishi,” “Ling zhi,” and“Mannentake,” among others, Ganoderma Lucidum, for hundreds oreven thousands of years, is recognized as powerful medicinalfungi because it has properties often associated with healthand healing, long life, knowledge, and happiness. In fact,during the ancient time, it is believed that the GanodermaLucidum in medicine was considered so promising that itsmedicinal value has been attested in a 2,000-year old Chinesemedical text—known as an authentic textbook of Oriental medicalscience. For years, medicinal mushrooms such as GanodermaLucidum have long been included in the history of folk medicinefor contributing much to curing cancers of all sorts and forshowing positive effects to the development of the immunesystem.
Aside from contributing a lot to the treatment of variousdiseases, Ganoderma Lucidum has also become popular because ofits promising properties that might extend life span whileincreasing vigor and vitality.
Mushroom miracleThe role of Ganoderma Lucidum in the medical field is quiteimpressive. Even if its role in the treatment of cancer doesn’thave a strong and solid medical backing yet, Ganoderma Lucidumis still recommended to prevention because of the absence ofunfavorable side effects. While people from different walks oflife take interests and contribute a lot in the rediscovery ofherbal treatments, the popularity of Ganoderma Lucidumincreases steadily.
Under the extensive research continuously done so manyscholars, as well as the cooperative analysis and clinicalexperiments conducted by people in the hospitals, inside thecolleges and universities, and even by pharmaceuticalmanufacturers, Ganoderma Lucidum’s potential as an effectivemedicine is becoming clearer and defined. And like in ancientChina—where Ganoderma Lucidum is considered not just a symbolof ‘prosperity and peace’ or an ‘item of tribute’—the so-called‘miracle herb’ is now also seen by the people in the modernworld as a potential elixir for immortality.
With so many research and emerging evidence how GanodermaLucidum helps the body work more effectively, efficiently andoptimally, the people who do these extensive and never-endingresearches continues to hope that Ganoderma can bring abrighter view to humanity on its conquest for longevity.
About The Author: Terry Dunn is Webmaster of - a Informational Resourceabout Ganoderma
Terry Dunn
One of the most apparent influences modern times has brought topeople is their realization of going back to the basics, to thenatural, and to the organic. Although the advances brought bytechnology has made life easier to people, many are stilllooking for better organic alternatives that are proven to bemore effective in their most natural of form, like GanodermaLucidum or commonly known as “Ganoderma.”
Believed by the Chinese as the “Miraculous King of Herbs,”Ganoderma Lucidum is highly-regarded for its medicinalproperties that help improve human body’s healing ability whilehelping its user to maintain good physical shape. Aside frompromoting longevity, Ganoderma Lucidum has unique propertiesthat contribute much to the strengthening of the immune system.Somewhat rare in the West, Ganoderma Lucidum has been worshippedas a kind of herbal medicine the emperors of the great Japaneseand Chinese dynasties drank with their special teas andmushroom concoctions to achieve greater vitality and longerlife. Ganoderma Lucidum was also believed to be visible in the“elixir of eternal youth” that the ancient Taoists constantlysearched for.
A fungus known by its many names like “Reishi,” “Ling zhi,” and“Mannentake,” among others, Ganoderma Lucidum, for hundreds oreven thousands of years, is recognized as powerful medicinalfungi because it has properties often associated with healthand healing, long life, knowledge, and happiness. In fact,during the ancient time, it is believed that the GanodermaLucidum in medicine was considered so promising that itsmedicinal value has been attested in a 2,000-year old Chinesemedical text—known as an authentic textbook of Oriental medicalscience. For years, medicinal mushrooms such as GanodermaLucidum have long been included in the history of folk medicinefor contributing much to curing cancers of all sorts and forshowing positive effects to the development of the immunesystem.
Aside from contributing a lot to the treatment of variousdiseases, Ganoderma Lucidum has also become popular because ofits promising properties that might extend life span whileincreasing vigor and vitality.
Mushroom miracleThe role of Ganoderma Lucidum in the medical field is quiteimpressive. Even if its role in the treatment of cancer doesn’thave a strong and solid medical backing yet, Ganoderma Lucidumis still recommended to prevention because of the absence ofunfavorable side effects. While people from different walks oflife take interests and contribute a lot in the rediscovery ofherbal treatments, the popularity of Ganoderma Lucidumincreases steadily.
Under the extensive research continuously done so manyscholars, as well as the cooperative analysis and clinicalexperiments conducted by people in the hospitals, inside thecolleges and universities, and even by pharmaceuticalmanufacturers, Ganoderma Lucidum’s potential as an effectivemedicine is becoming clearer and defined. And like in ancientChina—where Ganoderma Lucidum is considered not just a symbolof ‘prosperity and peace’ or an ‘item of tribute’—the so-called‘miracle herb’ is now also seen by the people in the modernworld as a potential elixir for immortality.
With so many research and emerging evidence how GanodermaLucidum helps the body work more effectively, efficiently andoptimally, the people who do these extensive and never-endingresearches continues to hope that Ganoderma can bring abrighter view to humanity on its conquest for longevity.
About The Author: Terry Dunn is Webmaster of - a Informational Resourceabout Ganoderma
13 Health Benefits of Green Tea
Copyright 2005 Arina Nikitina
Green tea has been enjoyed by people in China and Japan forthousands of years. Over the time it has become widelyknown in the West.
A lot of people nowadays have heard that green tea benefitsthe overall health, but not a lot know why exactly. Andbelieve me after I've learned all the health benefits ofgreen tea, I get completely different feeling every time Idrink it. I not only enjoy the taste of it but I also getthe moral satisfaction knowing that I am doing somethingright and extremely healthy for my body. I want you to haveexactly the same feeling I have, so here are the benefitsthat you get while sipping delicious cup of tea.
Green tea contains anti-oxidants that:
1. Helps to prevent cancer.The is some strong evidence that green tea included in youevery day diet can reduce bladder, colon, esophageal,pancreas, rectum, and stomach cancer up to 60%. Anantioxidant known as "epigallocatechin gallate" (EGCG forshort) is at least 100 more times more effective thanvitamin C and 25 times more effective than vitamin E atprotecting cells from harmful influence.
The amazing thing about it that EGCG it not only inhibitsthe growth of new cancer cells it also kills some of theexisting cancer sells without harming the healthy ones.
2. Lowers "bad" cholesterol (known as LDL) and improves theratio of "good" cholesterol (known as HDL). It explains whytea-drinkers can eat almost twice the foods containingcholesterol as those who don't drink green tea, but stillhave an equal cholesterol count.
3. Stops the unnatural formation of blood cloth which ifnot taken care of will cause thrombosis. It takes on addedimportance if you consider that thrombosis is one of themain causes of strokes and heart attacks.
4. Reduces high blood pressure by repressing angiotensin IIwhich causes constriction of the blood vessels causing highblood pressure.
5. Lowers blood sugar (polyphenols and polysaccharides arethe two main antioxidants are especially effective inlowering blood sugar). That helps prevent and relievetype-two diabetes.
6. Protects liver against toxins like alcohol and chemicalsin cigarette smoke.
7. Promotes oral health by suppress the process of plaqueformation and destroys the bacteria that forms plaque. Italso destroys bacteria that causes bad breath, so aftereating something sweet I suggest you drink a cup of greentea.
8. Destroys free radicals that cause aging.
9. Boosts your immune system function (because of its highconcentration of polyphenols and flaveboids).
10. Possess antibacterial and antiviral properties. Recentstudies show that green tea inhibits the spread of disease,speeds up recovery from cold and flu. It also kills sevenstrains of food poisoning bacteria including clostridium,botulus and staphylococcus (which makes it a good treatmentfor diarrhea).
11. Helps your body to maintain healthy fluid balance andrelieve fatigue and stress often caused by dehydration.
12. Blocks main receptors that produce allergic reactions.
13. Stimulates metabolism, calorie burning process and iswildly being used as an important part of a healthy diet.
It is important to know that black tea, even though itcomes from the same plant as a green tea, will not give youthe same benefits. Black tea during fermentation processloses most of its medical benefits.
The best way to preserve all the disease-fightingnutrition is to drink your tea freshly brewed. All thedecaffeinated, ready-to-drink bottled or instant teas willgive you very little of natural health compounds. It isbetter to let your tea steep for about 4-5 minutes beforedrinking it.
I hope that after reading this article you will include acup of green tea in your daily ratio. After all it is arare case when something that good for our health can bealso that delicious.
Copyright 2005 Arina Nikitina
Green tea has been enjoyed by people in China and Japan forthousands of years. Over the time it has become widelyknown in the West.
A lot of people nowadays have heard that green tea benefitsthe overall health, but not a lot know why exactly. Andbelieve me after I've learned all the health benefits ofgreen tea, I get completely different feeling every time Idrink it. I not only enjoy the taste of it but I also getthe moral satisfaction knowing that I am doing somethingright and extremely healthy for my body. I want you to haveexactly the same feeling I have, so here are the benefitsthat you get while sipping delicious cup of tea.
Green tea contains anti-oxidants that:
1. Helps to prevent cancer.The is some strong evidence that green tea included in youevery day diet can reduce bladder, colon, esophageal,pancreas, rectum, and stomach cancer up to 60%. Anantioxidant known as "epigallocatechin gallate" (EGCG forshort) is at least 100 more times more effective thanvitamin C and 25 times more effective than vitamin E atprotecting cells from harmful influence.
The amazing thing about it that EGCG it not only inhibitsthe growth of new cancer cells it also kills some of theexisting cancer sells without harming the healthy ones.
2. Lowers "bad" cholesterol (known as LDL) and improves theratio of "good" cholesterol (known as HDL). It explains whytea-drinkers can eat almost twice the foods containingcholesterol as those who don't drink green tea, but stillhave an equal cholesterol count.
3. Stops the unnatural formation of blood cloth which ifnot taken care of will cause thrombosis. It takes on addedimportance if you consider that thrombosis is one of themain causes of strokes and heart attacks.
4. Reduces high blood pressure by repressing angiotensin IIwhich causes constriction of the blood vessels causing highblood pressure.
5. Lowers blood sugar (polyphenols and polysaccharides arethe two main antioxidants are especially effective inlowering blood sugar). That helps prevent and relievetype-two diabetes.
6. Protects liver against toxins like alcohol and chemicalsin cigarette smoke.
7. Promotes oral health by suppress the process of plaqueformation and destroys the bacteria that forms plaque. Italso destroys bacteria that causes bad breath, so aftereating something sweet I suggest you drink a cup of greentea.
8. Destroys free radicals that cause aging.
9. Boosts your immune system function (because of its highconcentration of polyphenols and flaveboids).
10. Possess antibacterial and antiviral properties. Recentstudies show that green tea inhibits the spread of disease,speeds up recovery from cold and flu. It also kills sevenstrains of food poisoning bacteria including clostridium,botulus and staphylococcus (which makes it a good treatmentfor diarrhea).
11. Helps your body to maintain healthy fluid balance andrelieve fatigue and stress often caused by dehydration.
12. Blocks main receptors that produce allergic reactions.
13. Stimulates metabolism, calorie burning process and iswildly being used as an important part of a healthy diet.
It is important to know that black tea, even though itcomes from the same plant as a green tea, will not give youthe same benefits. Black tea during fermentation processloses most of its medical benefits.
The best way to preserve all the disease-fightingnutrition is to drink your tea freshly brewed. All thedecaffeinated, ready-to-drink bottled or instant teas willgive you very little of natural health compounds. It isbetter to let your tea steep for about 4-5 minutes beforedrinking it.
I hope that after reading this article you will include acup of green tea in your daily ratio. After all it is arare case when something that good for our health can bealso that delicious.
Foods To Avoid That Cause Bad Breath
There are 4 food categories that will result in an increase of sulfur production because these categorieshave a stimulating affect on the bacteria that causebad breath:
1. Drying Agents
2. Dense Protein Foods
3. Sugars
4. Acidic Foods
Let's look closely at each of these food categories andhow they stimulate bad breath!
The most common drying agent in food is alcohol.Alcohol of course, is the basis of all "adult" beveragessuch as beer, wine, and hard liquor. It is also used,unfortunately, in many mouthwashes you find in thegrocery stores, which only makes a bad breathproblem worse.Alcohol, known chemically as a desiccant, is used quiteoften in laboratories to "dry out" hard to reach areas intest tubes and beakers. The same end result takesplace in the oral cavity.Although cigarettes are not really food, smoking isprobably the quickest way to dry out your mouth, withalcohol being the second. If you smoke, you are boundto have bad breath!
Dairy foods are notorious for creating bad breath. Anarticle that appeared in the "Los Angeles Times" oncenoted that over 50% of the population in SouthernCalifornia was "lactose intolerant". With regards to badbreath, many of these people (numbering in the tensof millions) end up with more dense proteins availableas bad breath fuel for the bacteria than those whohave no problem with dairy foods like milk, cheese,yogurt, ice cream, etc. The end result is a buildup ofamino acids, which are easily converted into volatilesulfur compounds by the anaerobic bacteria foundwithin the surface of your tongue and throat.To a lesser extent, people have the same problemwith other types of food that are considered to bedense in protein such as beef, chicken, and fish.Another problem, thankfully rare, has to do withpeople who have an inability to break down certainproteins found in beans. This condition is called TMA(Trimethylaminuria) and is sometimes known as the"Fish Odor Syndrome," because the odor produced issimilar to decaying fish. The odor consists of sulfurcompounds, plus nitrogen compounds (amines). Peoplewith this condition must abstain from beans and othertypes of food that are dense in protein.
Wouldn't it be great if we could get rid of bad breathby chewing on M&Ms? Or what if the cure for badbreath were Hershey Kisses?That's what the makers of Altoids would have youbelieve. Altoids, and other products of the same ilk, aretrying to fool the public into believing that a strong"good" taste in your mouth is equivalent to the"freshness" of your breath. This is so anti-scientific it'sabsurd! If you think about it for a minute, it reallydoesn't make any sense.By using concentrated mint flavorings, your taste budspick up mint as a taste. However, Altoids contains twotypes of sugar which again, are a fuel for the bacteriato reproduce and create more sulfur compounds - thusbad breath. In addition, the frightening part is thatother bacteria can take the sugars and produce glycanstrands, which in turn end up causing thick layers ofplaque on the enamel of your teeth and around yourgums. This leads to tooth decay and gum disease - andyou guessed it - worse breath than you started with!Since you can't smell your own breath, you just gomerrily along with that great strong mint taste in yourmouth, while others close to you are backing away -backing away from your increased bad breath, decayedteeth, and gross, swollen, bleeding gums!Stay away from candies, mints, and chewing gum ifthey contain sugar! Instead, let me recommend analternative created by TheraBreath called theTheraBreath Oxygenating Chewing Gum( Itreleases Oxygen molecules directly into your mouthand also contains the antibacterial agent, ZincGluconate. This agent is found in many coldmedications. In addition it contains Xylitol, which is anatural sweetening agent with an anti-decaycompound.
Foods with a high acidic content are a problem as well.pH is a term used to describe the acidity of anenvironment. The oral cavity has a normal pH of 6.5 (7is considered neutral). Some of the foods you shouldwatch out for are coffee and many citrus juices. Bothdecaffeinated and regular coffee contain acids.However, tea is okay. Among the citrus juices the oneswith the highest acidic content include tomato juice,orange juice, pineapple juice, and grapefruit juice.We know that acids make the bacteria reproducemuch faster. In order to decrease the production ofodorous sulfur compounds, the acid environmentneeds to be neutralized.What can you learn from all this? Avoiding foods thatcontribute to, if not cause, bad breath is vital if youwant to have clean fresh breath. While this is a difficulttask, being aware of these bad breath causingelements is the first step in developing confidence inyour breath. In addition, it is important to use oral careproducts that are free of alcohol, sugar, and that alsohave a high pH level.
Dr. Harold Katz is the worldwide expert on the topics of bad breath,halitosis, and dry mouth. Searching for a bad breath solution?
To receive your FREE copy of his easy-to-read "Bad Breath Bible" visit:
There are 4 food categories that will result in an increase of sulfur production because these categorieshave a stimulating affect on the bacteria that causebad breath:
1. Drying Agents
2. Dense Protein Foods
3. Sugars
4. Acidic Foods
Let's look closely at each of these food categories andhow they stimulate bad breath!
The most common drying agent in food is alcohol.Alcohol of course, is the basis of all "adult" beveragessuch as beer, wine, and hard liquor. It is also used,unfortunately, in many mouthwashes you find in thegrocery stores, which only makes a bad breathproblem worse.Alcohol, known chemically as a desiccant, is used quiteoften in laboratories to "dry out" hard to reach areas intest tubes and beakers. The same end result takesplace in the oral cavity.Although cigarettes are not really food, smoking isprobably the quickest way to dry out your mouth, withalcohol being the second. If you smoke, you are boundto have bad breath!
Dairy foods are notorious for creating bad breath. Anarticle that appeared in the "Los Angeles Times" oncenoted that over 50% of the population in SouthernCalifornia was "lactose intolerant". With regards to badbreath, many of these people (numbering in the tensof millions) end up with more dense proteins availableas bad breath fuel for the bacteria than those whohave no problem with dairy foods like milk, cheese,yogurt, ice cream, etc. The end result is a buildup ofamino acids, which are easily converted into volatilesulfur compounds by the anaerobic bacteria foundwithin the surface of your tongue and throat.To a lesser extent, people have the same problemwith other types of food that are considered to bedense in protein such as beef, chicken, and fish.Another problem, thankfully rare, has to do withpeople who have an inability to break down certainproteins found in beans. This condition is called TMA(Trimethylaminuria) and is sometimes known as the"Fish Odor Syndrome," because the odor produced issimilar to decaying fish. The odor consists of sulfurcompounds, plus nitrogen compounds (amines). Peoplewith this condition must abstain from beans and othertypes of food that are dense in protein.
Wouldn't it be great if we could get rid of bad breathby chewing on M&Ms? Or what if the cure for badbreath were Hershey Kisses?That's what the makers of Altoids would have youbelieve. Altoids, and other products of the same ilk, aretrying to fool the public into believing that a strong"good" taste in your mouth is equivalent to the"freshness" of your breath. This is so anti-scientific it'sabsurd! If you think about it for a minute, it reallydoesn't make any sense.By using concentrated mint flavorings, your taste budspick up mint as a taste. However, Altoids contains twotypes of sugar which again, are a fuel for the bacteriato reproduce and create more sulfur compounds - thusbad breath. In addition, the frightening part is thatother bacteria can take the sugars and produce glycanstrands, which in turn end up causing thick layers ofplaque on the enamel of your teeth and around yourgums. This leads to tooth decay and gum disease - andyou guessed it - worse breath than you started with!Since you can't smell your own breath, you just gomerrily along with that great strong mint taste in yourmouth, while others close to you are backing away -backing away from your increased bad breath, decayedteeth, and gross, swollen, bleeding gums!Stay away from candies, mints, and chewing gum ifthey contain sugar! Instead, let me recommend analternative created by TheraBreath called theTheraBreath Oxygenating Chewing Gum( Itreleases Oxygen molecules directly into your mouthand also contains the antibacterial agent, ZincGluconate. This agent is found in many coldmedications. In addition it contains Xylitol, which is anatural sweetening agent with an anti-decaycompound.
Foods with a high acidic content are a problem as well.pH is a term used to describe the acidity of anenvironment. The oral cavity has a normal pH of 6.5 (7is considered neutral). Some of the foods you shouldwatch out for are coffee and many citrus juices. Bothdecaffeinated and regular coffee contain acids.However, tea is okay. Among the citrus juices the oneswith the highest acidic content include tomato juice,orange juice, pineapple juice, and grapefruit juice.We know that acids make the bacteria reproducemuch faster. In order to decrease the production ofodorous sulfur compounds, the acid environmentneeds to be neutralized.What can you learn from all this? Avoiding foods thatcontribute to, if not cause, bad breath is vital if youwant to have clean fresh breath. While this is a difficulttask, being aware of these bad breath causingelements is the first step in developing confidence inyour breath. In addition, it is important to use oral careproducts that are free of alcohol, sugar, and that alsohave a high pH level.
Dr. Harold Katz is the worldwide expert on the topics of bad breath,halitosis, and dry mouth. Searching for a bad breath solution?
To receive your FREE copy of his easy-to-read "Bad Breath Bible" visit:
Aromatherapy and Pregnancy
Lorna Findlay
Aromatherapy is a natural healing science employing essential oils extractedfrom aromatic plant sources to treat and balance the body, mind and spirit.During pregnancy, aromatherapy can prove to be extremely beneficial andhelpful alternative, while also being very easy to employ and use. In orderto use essential oils safely during pregnancy a few extra safety guidelineswill need be followed. Though, there are reports of side effects, the usermust be cautious enough to report any adverse effects to the physicianimmediately.
Essential oils are extremely concentrated and volatile. They must be dilutedbefore use. A common dilution for aromatherapy blends during pregnancy is 2%, which would equal approximately 10 drops essential oil to 1 ounce or 2Tcarrier oil (this is the most preferred oil). For an aromatherapy pregnancybath, add 6-10 drops of essential oil to the tub and mix well before gettingin to the tub. 3-6 drops essential oil in a bowl of warm water wrung out ina washcloth works well for a compress. Use the same dilution in a bowl ofsteaming hot water for a steam inhalation. An aromatic bath is supposed toprovide relaxation to the taut pelvic muscles and aid in avoiding stretchmarks.
How ever, there are many essential oils that need to be avoided duringpregnancy. The following list contains oils that should be avoided duringpregnancy and oils that are recommended for use during pregnancy.
OILS TO AVOID DURING PREGNANCYUse of essential oils should be extremely limited or avoided during thefirst trimester of pregnancy, but has many wonderful uses in the last twotrimesters and especially during labor.
Oils to avoid during pregnancy include:Basil, Cedar Wood, Cinnamon, Clary sage (during labor), Clove, Cypress(after 5 months), Fennel, Hyssop, Jasmine (during labor), Juniper,Lemongrass, Myrrh, Parsley and Pennyroyal
The following oils will be comfortable for using during pregnancy. Asalways, use caution if you have allergies or a family history of allergies.If you feel you may be allergic to oil, do a patch test first. Good oils forpregnancy include:
Bergamot, Chamomile, Cypress (after 5 mos.), Eucalyptus, Frankincense,Geranium (avoid in early pregnancy), Grapefruit, Lavender. Lemon, Mandarin,Neroli, Patchouli, Petitgrain, Rosewood, Sandalwood and TangerineIf you are currently pregnant and have been using any of the essential oilsthat need to be avoided, but are not experiencing any bleeding or cramping,then there most likely is nothing wrong. However, it is strongly encouragedyou to consult your doctor or midwife and discontinue use of the "to beavoided" essential oils.
Lorna Findlay
Aromatherapy is a natural healing science employing essential oils extractedfrom aromatic plant sources to treat and balance the body, mind and spirit.During pregnancy, aromatherapy can prove to be extremely beneficial andhelpful alternative, while also being very easy to employ and use. In orderto use essential oils safely during pregnancy a few extra safety guidelineswill need be followed. Though, there are reports of side effects, the usermust be cautious enough to report any adverse effects to the physicianimmediately.
Essential oils are extremely concentrated and volatile. They must be dilutedbefore use. A common dilution for aromatherapy blends during pregnancy is 2%, which would equal approximately 10 drops essential oil to 1 ounce or 2Tcarrier oil (this is the most preferred oil). For an aromatherapy pregnancybath, add 6-10 drops of essential oil to the tub and mix well before gettingin to the tub. 3-6 drops essential oil in a bowl of warm water wrung out ina washcloth works well for a compress. Use the same dilution in a bowl ofsteaming hot water for a steam inhalation. An aromatic bath is supposed toprovide relaxation to the taut pelvic muscles and aid in avoiding stretchmarks.
How ever, there are many essential oils that need to be avoided duringpregnancy. The following list contains oils that should be avoided duringpregnancy and oils that are recommended for use during pregnancy.
OILS TO AVOID DURING PREGNANCYUse of essential oils should be extremely limited or avoided during thefirst trimester of pregnancy, but has many wonderful uses in the last twotrimesters and especially during labor.
Oils to avoid during pregnancy include:Basil, Cedar Wood, Cinnamon, Clary sage (during labor), Clove, Cypress(after 5 months), Fennel, Hyssop, Jasmine (during labor), Juniper,Lemongrass, Myrrh, Parsley and Pennyroyal
The following oils will be comfortable for using during pregnancy. Asalways, use caution if you have allergies or a family history of allergies.If you feel you may be allergic to oil, do a patch test first. Good oils forpregnancy include:
Bergamot, Chamomile, Cypress (after 5 mos.), Eucalyptus, Frankincense,Geranium (avoid in early pregnancy), Grapefruit, Lavender. Lemon, Mandarin,Neroli, Patchouli, Petitgrain, Rosewood, Sandalwood and TangerineIf you are currently pregnant and have been using any of the essential oilsthat need to be avoided, but are not experiencing any bleeding or cramping,then there most likely is nothing wrong. However, it is strongly encouragedyou to consult your doctor or midwife and discontinue use of the "to beavoided" essential oils.
Thursday, April 20, 2006
Women's Supplements for Sexual Health
Sometimes you need a little extra help when it comes to achieving a certain level of intimacy.
There are many supplements for sexual health and satisfaction on the market, but women’s supplements for sexual health tend to be a little known or discussed topic.
Below you will encounter a variety of women’s supplements for sexual health available, when a female wishes to enhance some of her sexual experiences, as well as energy.
Natural Products
When looking for a 100% natural product to stimulate pleasure, there is an item called “SEX for Women,” - a herbal supplement geared towards enhancing a women’s sexual health. The main ingredients of this selection include Saw Palmetto and Siberian Ginseng, said to increase a woman’s sex drive.
Another women’s supplement used for sexual health is “Alpine Root,” which is marketed as an alternative for ginseng. It has been proven to show overall positive changes within women’s sexual performance, desire, energy, as well as stamina. Not only does this product aid women’s sexual health, and used to treat poor memory and depression.
Women’s supplements for sexual health could also include lubricants created from a variety of natural ingredients. The Forever Virgin Vaginal Toner and Lubricant, created to awaken the body’s senses. This European formula has passed the test within the United States, Zurich, Paris, and Amsterdam. The product claims to encourage multiple orgasms through its unique combination of flowers, seeds, and plants. You should know that this item does not contain spermicides, artificial perfumes, colors or flavors.
The GH Female Super Formula is supposed to improve women’s sexual health and well being by supplying her body with necessary nutrients, as well as creating a balance within her body. Women suffering from PMS or menopause may find comfort with this product, as well as females who wish to increase their sexual desire and mood. This selection of women’s supplements helps with the sexual health of the user by improving their overall health.
The next time you are looking for women’s supplements for sexual health, you may want to consider a female pleasure enhancer named “Sensuality.” This product provides quick results and delivers a maximum strength dose that does not disrupt a woman’s daily routine. Women of all ages can find comfort with this product, which contains isoflavones, ginko biloba, as well as a stamina blend.
The name may sound funny, but there is a women’s supplement for sexual health, called “Desire-X Horny Goat Weed.” This product aims to help a woman find their desire and pleasure. The main ingredient’s common name comes from the plant known as Epimedium Grandiflorum, which hails from China and Japan where it’s aphrodisiac properties have been respected for centuries. This product seeks results through increasing the sexual hormone production level within the user.
Another women’s supplement for sexual health is a product referred to as Maca 500mg, which is used to increase a female’s stamina and endurance. Maca is actually a root vegetable found in areas such as Peru. There is a high concentration of iodine, zinc, amino acids, as well as vitamin C, which are essential for promoting the progress of sexual fulfillment and functions.
More sexuality information and FREE exclusive diet and health magazines, are available on our web site:
Sometimes you need a little extra help when it comes to achieving a certain level of intimacy.
There are many supplements for sexual health and satisfaction on the market, but women’s supplements for sexual health tend to be a little known or discussed topic.
Below you will encounter a variety of women’s supplements for sexual health available, when a female wishes to enhance some of her sexual experiences, as well as energy.
Natural Products
When looking for a 100% natural product to stimulate pleasure, there is an item called “SEX for Women,” - a herbal supplement geared towards enhancing a women’s sexual health. The main ingredients of this selection include Saw Palmetto and Siberian Ginseng, said to increase a woman’s sex drive.
Another women’s supplement used for sexual health is “Alpine Root,” which is marketed as an alternative for ginseng. It has been proven to show overall positive changes within women’s sexual performance, desire, energy, as well as stamina. Not only does this product aid women’s sexual health, and used to treat poor memory and depression.
Women’s supplements for sexual health could also include lubricants created from a variety of natural ingredients. The Forever Virgin Vaginal Toner and Lubricant, created to awaken the body’s senses. This European formula has passed the test within the United States, Zurich, Paris, and Amsterdam. The product claims to encourage multiple orgasms through its unique combination of flowers, seeds, and plants. You should know that this item does not contain spermicides, artificial perfumes, colors or flavors.
The GH Female Super Formula is supposed to improve women’s sexual health and well being by supplying her body with necessary nutrients, as well as creating a balance within her body. Women suffering from PMS or menopause may find comfort with this product, as well as females who wish to increase their sexual desire and mood. This selection of women’s supplements helps with the sexual health of the user by improving their overall health.
The next time you are looking for women’s supplements for sexual health, you may want to consider a female pleasure enhancer named “Sensuality.” This product provides quick results and delivers a maximum strength dose that does not disrupt a woman’s daily routine. Women of all ages can find comfort with this product, which contains isoflavones, ginko biloba, as well as a stamina blend.
The name may sound funny, but there is a women’s supplement for sexual health, called “Desire-X Horny Goat Weed.” This product aims to help a woman find their desire and pleasure. The main ingredient’s common name comes from the plant known as Epimedium Grandiflorum, which hails from China and Japan where it’s aphrodisiac properties have been respected for centuries. This product seeks results through increasing the sexual hormone production level within the user.
Another women’s supplement for sexual health is a product referred to as Maca 500mg, which is used to increase a female’s stamina and endurance. Maca is actually a root vegetable found in areas such as Peru. There is a high concentration of iodine, zinc, amino acids, as well as vitamin C, which are essential for promoting the progress of sexual fulfillment and functions.
More sexuality information and FREE exclusive diet and health magazines, are available on our web site:
Lower Your Cholesterol By Sowing Your Oats
It's an excellent time of life for baking your favorite high-fiber cookies. It may seem like a gustatory contradiction. How can a cookie taste delicious and be nutritionally high in dietary fiber? High fiber foods and high fiber diets have become part of our everyday language as we become more proactive in our everyday health. Fiberlady wants you to discover the benefits of high fiber menus with desserts that are full of high fiber an oat bran cookie.
More and more researchers are discovering the vital necessity of high fiber foods and their effectiveness in controlling high cholesterol levels. Oat bran offers you soluble fiber, specifically known as beta-glucan. Nutritional experts recommend 3 grams of beta-glucan daily for optimum health benefits. Research reveals 1/3 cup of dry oat bran contains 4 grams of fiber, and 1/3 cup of dry oatmeal has 2.7 grams. A couple of home-baked fiber-enriched cookies is a deliciously sweet way to help people who need to monitor their cholesterol.
A study conducted in Mexico had 66 men, ages 20 through 45, eat cookies made with oat bran, wheat bran or psyllium. The trial was to see which sample of fiber would be the most effective in lowering their "bad" cholesterol. These men were also advised to eat less red meat and were encouraged to reduce their daily fat intake.
Eight weeks later, it was evident that the men who ate the oat bran cookies reduced their LDL or "bad" cholesterol levels by 23 to 26 percent. The men who consumed the psyllium based cookies lowered their LDL levels by almost 23 percent. In the wheat bran group, there was only an 8 percent drop in their LDL levels. Other than fiber, their ways of eating had not significantly been altered. Obviously, high fiber cannot counteract the effects of high fat cheese enchiladas. Keeping fat consumption down is also an important key to lowering cholesterol levels. The findings were published in the December issue of the Journal of the American College of Nutrition(1998;17:601-608).
Research is a unique tool that brings awareness into people's lives. Now that you have some enlightenment about the positive effects of high fiber foods, you can feel more confident knowing there are high fiber snacks that taste good and heal good. Fiberlady found this delicious oat bran cookie recipe for you to enjoy. Now is the perfect time to sow your oats.
Oat Bran Oatmeal Cookiesyield: 28 cookies
3/4 cup olive oil1 cup firmly packed brown sugar1/2 cup sugar2 eggs2 teaspoons vanilla1 1/2 cups rolled oats1 1/2 cups oat bran1 cup whole wheat pastry flour1/2 teaspoon salt1/2 teaspoon baking sodaraisins (optional) or nuts (optional)
Preparations:1. Beat together oil through vanilla.2. Add oats through baking soda and beat well.3. Add raisins or nuts, if desired.4. Drop by tablespoons onto ungreased cookie sheets.5. Bake 12 minutes at 350.6. Cool on wire rack.Fiber: 1.7 grams in 1 cookie
Stephanie Shank aka Fiberlady has studied nutrition for many healthy years which prompted her commitment to a high fiber lifestyle and the development of her informative website High Fiber Health.
It's an excellent time of life for baking your favorite high-fiber cookies. It may seem like a gustatory contradiction. How can a cookie taste delicious and be nutritionally high in dietary fiber? High fiber foods and high fiber diets have become part of our everyday language as we become more proactive in our everyday health. Fiberlady wants you to discover the benefits of high fiber menus with desserts that are full of high fiber an oat bran cookie.
More and more researchers are discovering the vital necessity of high fiber foods and their effectiveness in controlling high cholesterol levels. Oat bran offers you soluble fiber, specifically known as beta-glucan. Nutritional experts recommend 3 grams of beta-glucan daily for optimum health benefits. Research reveals 1/3 cup of dry oat bran contains 4 grams of fiber, and 1/3 cup of dry oatmeal has 2.7 grams. A couple of home-baked fiber-enriched cookies is a deliciously sweet way to help people who need to monitor their cholesterol.
A study conducted in Mexico had 66 men, ages 20 through 45, eat cookies made with oat bran, wheat bran or psyllium. The trial was to see which sample of fiber would be the most effective in lowering their "bad" cholesterol. These men were also advised to eat less red meat and were encouraged to reduce their daily fat intake.
Eight weeks later, it was evident that the men who ate the oat bran cookies reduced their LDL or "bad" cholesterol levels by 23 to 26 percent. The men who consumed the psyllium based cookies lowered their LDL levels by almost 23 percent. In the wheat bran group, there was only an 8 percent drop in their LDL levels. Other than fiber, their ways of eating had not significantly been altered. Obviously, high fiber cannot counteract the effects of high fat cheese enchiladas. Keeping fat consumption down is also an important key to lowering cholesterol levels. The findings were published in the December issue of the Journal of the American College of Nutrition(1998;17:601-608).
Research is a unique tool that brings awareness into people's lives. Now that you have some enlightenment about the positive effects of high fiber foods, you can feel more confident knowing there are high fiber snacks that taste good and heal good. Fiberlady found this delicious oat bran cookie recipe for you to enjoy. Now is the perfect time to sow your oats.
Oat Bran Oatmeal Cookiesyield: 28 cookies
3/4 cup olive oil1 cup firmly packed brown sugar1/2 cup sugar2 eggs2 teaspoons vanilla1 1/2 cups rolled oats1 1/2 cups oat bran1 cup whole wheat pastry flour1/2 teaspoon salt1/2 teaspoon baking sodaraisins (optional) or nuts (optional)
Preparations:1. Beat together oil through vanilla.2. Add oats through baking soda and beat well.3. Add raisins or nuts, if desired.4. Drop by tablespoons onto ungreased cookie sheets.5. Bake 12 minutes at 350.6. Cool on wire rack.Fiber: 1.7 grams in 1 cookie
Stephanie Shank aka Fiberlady has studied nutrition for many healthy years which prompted her commitment to a high fiber lifestyle and the development of her informative website High Fiber Health.
Vegetarian Diet - 7 Tips to Becoming Vegetarian
Why go vegetarian? It's one of the best ways to pursue good nutrition.
Vegetarianism ranks as one the best ways to eat a healthy diet, as simple as eating more salads and another apple every day.
Want to follow a trend? For instance, Hollywood stars jumping on the bandwagon.
Fanatic devotion, near religious status. Deeply into the animal rights movement, some dedicated vegetarians won't even eat in restaurants that serve animal products.
Getting started
A vegetarian diet produces benefits no matter how you approach it, so don't worry about doing it wrong.
Your body will appreciate any fruit or vegetable you send down. Just take that all-important first step.
If you currently consume lots of high-fat, high-sugar junk food, it doesn't make sense to debate the merits of vegetables versus meat.
The typical vegetarian diet meets or exceeds the recommended daily allowance of vitamins and minerals, anyway.
Tips for success
Decide what version of vegetarianism suits you:
Vegan or total vegetarian - Includes only foods from plants: fruits, vegetables, legumes, grains, seeds, and nuts.
Lactovegetarian - Adds cheese, milk, yogurt, and other dairy products.
Lacto-ovovegetarian - Also includes eggs.
Semi-vegetarians - No red meat, but includes chicken and fish.
Start all at once or gradually - totally your choice.
Sick and tired of meat? Just dump it all together! Or, gradually eliminate meat products, starting first with red meat.
Try switching your meat and vegetable portions. Make meat the side dish and feature vegetables as the main course. Asians typically eat this way, especially in stir fry dishes.
Watch total calories - limit sweets and fats. Don't let your veggies swim in cream sauce or your fruits smother in sugary syrups.
Plan your menu. Either:
Simple. Stick with basic fruits, vegetables, nuts, and whole grains.
Three vegetable side dishes make a meal.
Eat a large salad with shredded vegetables.
Serve fresh fruit in a fancy dish for dessert.
Complicated. Experiment with exotic items such as tempeh, tofu, wheat gluten, or seitan.Buy most of your groceries in the produce aisle. Visit the dairy aisle if you decide to consume cheese, milk, eggs, or yogurt.
Serve a colorful plate:
corngreen spinach salad with red tomatoes
light brown whole grain bread
red cherries
orange oranges
Find out if your community hosts a farmer's market. Farmer's markets create a fun shopping experience, almost carnival-like. You'll find the freshest produce available, probably just picked that day.Feel good about supporting your local economy.See, that wasn't so hard. Start today and your body will thank you.
Kathy Ferneau has created an excellent resource for information on diets, healthy eating, and exercise. Get a free smoothie recipe e-book just for visiting!
Why go vegetarian? It's one of the best ways to pursue good nutrition.
Vegetarianism ranks as one the best ways to eat a healthy diet, as simple as eating more salads and another apple every day.
Want to follow a trend? For instance, Hollywood stars jumping on the bandwagon.
Fanatic devotion, near religious status. Deeply into the animal rights movement, some dedicated vegetarians won't even eat in restaurants that serve animal products.
Getting started
A vegetarian diet produces benefits no matter how you approach it, so don't worry about doing it wrong.
Your body will appreciate any fruit or vegetable you send down. Just take that all-important first step.
If you currently consume lots of high-fat, high-sugar junk food, it doesn't make sense to debate the merits of vegetables versus meat.
The typical vegetarian diet meets or exceeds the recommended daily allowance of vitamins and minerals, anyway.
Tips for success
Decide what version of vegetarianism suits you:
Vegan or total vegetarian - Includes only foods from plants: fruits, vegetables, legumes, grains, seeds, and nuts.
Lactovegetarian - Adds cheese, milk, yogurt, and other dairy products.
Lacto-ovovegetarian - Also includes eggs.
Semi-vegetarians - No red meat, but includes chicken and fish.
Start all at once or gradually - totally your choice.
Sick and tired of meat? Just dump it all together! Or, gradually eliminate meat products, starting first with red meat.
Try switching your meat and vegetable portions. Make meat the side dish and feature vegetables as the main course. Asians typically eat this way, especially in stir fry dishes.
Watch total calories - limit sweets and fats. Don't let your veggies swim in cream sauce or your fruits smother in sugary syrups.
Plan your menu. Either:
Simple. Stick with basic fruits, vegetables, nuts, and whole grains.
Three vegetable side dishes make a meal.
Eat a large salad with shredded vegetables.
Serve fresh fruit in a fancy dish for dessert.
Complicated. Experiment with exotic items such as tempeh, tofu, wheat gluten, or seitan.Buy most of your groceries in the produce aisle. Visit the dairy aisle if you decide to consume cheese, milk, eggs, or yogurt.
Serve a colorful plate:
corngreen spinach salad with red tomatoes
light brown whole grain bread
red cherries
orange oranges
Find out if your community hosts a farmer's market. Farmer's markets create a fun shopping experience, almost carnival-like. You'll find the freshest produce available, probably just picked that day.Feel good about supporting your local economy.See, that wasn't so hard. Start today and your body will thank you.
Kathy Ferneau has created an excellent resource for information on diets, healthy eating, and exercise. Get a free smoothie recipe e-book just for visiting!
The Benefits Of Avocado Juice
Avocado is sometimes known as the alligator pear because of the texture of its skin and its pear-like shape. The avocado contains a good supply of carotene, there being three times as much in a well-colored ripe fruit as in a hard one. Analysts have found no less than 11 vitamins and 17 minerals in avocado, making it a very comprehensive storehouse of the nutritional needs of man.There is a high level of oil which contains the vitamins A, D, and E, and is rich in the mono-unsaturated fat oleic acid. This type of fat is the principal constituent of olive oil which is rapidly gaining credence for preventing of heart disease. Although the calorie count of the avocado is large, there being 165 calories in l00g (40z), it is of excellent nutritional worthThe avocado is also rich in vitamin 86, with an impressive 530 micrograms per l00g (40z). There is evidence that the leaves and fruits of the avocado have been shown to contain a substance known to be somewhat toxic to goats, rabbits, horses and canaries. There is no evidence that there is any danger to man, but for the sake of prudence it is best to have no more than one avocado a day whether juiced or fresh.Happily the fate of the unfortunate canary need not affect the use of avocado juice in the therapy because the best effect is found when the juice is employed as an external application to the skin. Avocado juice is a good way of having a balanced quantity of the oil of avocado. The oil is second only to lanolin in being the most penetrating oil known when applied to the human skin.Yet, unlike lanolin which is thought by many experts to be the cause of more cases of sensitivity to cosmetics than any other ingredient, avocado is emollient and innocuous without any known sensitizing effects. It can therefore be used externally as the ideal treatment for soothing sensitive skins. Avocado reduces ultra violet light and is a useful sun screening lotion for use prior to moderate exposure to the suns rays.
Avocado is sometimes known as the alligator pear because of the texture of its skin and its pear-like shape. The avocado contains a good supply of carotene, there being three times as much in a well-colored ripe fruit as in a hard one. Analysts have found no less than 11 vitamins and 17 minerals in avocado, making it a very comprehensive storehouse of the nutritional needs of man.There is a high level of oil which contains the vitamins A, D, and E, and is rich in the mono-unsaturated fat oleic acid. This type of fat is the principal constituent of olive oil which is rapidly gaining credence for preventing of heart disease. Although the calorie count of the avocado is large, there being 165 calories in l00g (40z), it is of excellent nutritional worthThe avocado is also rich in vitamin 86, with an impressive 530 micrograms per l00g (40z). There is evidence that the leaves and fruits of the avocado have been shown to contain a substance known to be somewhat toxic to goats, rabbits, horses and canaries. There is no evidence that there is any danger to man, but for the sake of prudence it is best to have no more than one avocado a day whether juiced or fresh.Happily the fate of the unfortunate canary need not affect the use of avocado juice in the therapy because the best effect is found when the juice is employed as an external application to the skin. Avocado juice is a good way of having a balanced quantity of the oil of avocado. The oil is second only to lanolin in being the most penetrating oil known when applied to the human skin.Yet, unlike lanolin which is thought by many experts to be the cause of more cases of sensitivity to cosmetics than any other ingredient, avocado is emollient and innocuous without any known sensitizing effects. It can therefore be used externally as the ideal treatment for soothing sensitive skins. Avocado reduces ultra violet light and is a useful sun screening lotion for use prior to moderate exposure to the suns rays.
What You Should Eat For Optimum Health?
We often wonder what we should eat for optimum health and even the government has recently flip flopped its food pyramid which you can see at’s an overview of the 2005 dietary guidelines from the government.
First off, according to the new government guidelines a healthy diet is one that emphasizes fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and fat-free or low-fat milk products and will include lean meats, poultry, fish, eggs, and nuts.
The diet will also be low in saturated fats, trans fats, cholesterol, salt, and added sugars.
The main theme the government is proposing now is to eat a diet rich in grains and to make half of the grains you eat whole grains. Whole grains contain the entire grain kernel -- the bran, germ, and endosperm, some examples would be:
• whole-wheat flour• bulgur (cracked wheat) • oatmeal • whole cornmeal • brown rice
Next you should “vary your veggies” and in general buy fresh vegetables in season, stock up on frozen vegetables and buy vegetables that are easy to prepare.
For the best nutritional value, choose vegetables with more potassium such as sweet potatoes and spinach and limit sauces which can add fats, sodium and additional calories.
Prepare more of your foods from fresh ingredients to lower sodium. Most sodium comes from packaged and processed foods.
One suggestion for a healthy diet is to try using a salad as the main dish for lunch and go light on the salad dressing.
Focus on fruits. To help you keep focus, have a bowl of fruit always available on the table, counter, or in the refrigerator. Keep cut fruit in the refrigerator and buy fresh fruits in season whenever possible. Buy frozen, dried, and canned fruits as well so you will always have some kind of fruit on hand.
Choose whole fruits or cut fruits over juices whenever possible for the fiber benefits. Choose fruits high in potassium such as bananas, apricots, and cantaloupe. Put cut fruit on your breakfast cereal. At lunch, take a tangerine, banana, or some grapes. For dinner, add crushed pineapple or mandarin oranges in a tossed salad.
Get calcium rich foods and include low fat or fat free milk as a beverage at meals. Have fat-free yogurt as a snack. Use low-fat cheeses on salads and casseroles.
For those who cannot consume milk products due to lactose intolerance choose lactose free alternatives to get your calcium such as cheese, yogurt, and lactose-free milk.
Go lean with protein. The suggestions for your protein intake are to use the leanest cuts of meats such as top sirloin and pork loin and whenever choosing ground beef go with extra lean that is identified as at least 90% lean.
Buy skinless chicken parts as the fat is in the skin. Choose lean turkey and all kinds of fish.
To keep your meat intake lean and as free of fat as possible, broil, grill, roast, or boil your meat choices instead of frying and drain off any fat that appears during cooking.
Choose dry beans such as kidney beans and use them as the main part of a meal often. Make use of nuts for snacks and use them to sometimes replace meat or poultry.
Gregg Hall is a business consultant to many online and offline businesses and has been involved in the fitness and nutrition field for over 25 years. Get healthy food delivered to you.
We often wonder what we should eat for optimum health and even the government has recently flip flopped its food pyramid which you can see at’s an overview of the 2005 dietary guidelines from the government.
First off, according to the new government guidelines a healthy diet is one that emphasizes fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and fat-free or low-fat milk products and will include lean meats, poultry, fish, eggs, and nuts.
The diet will also be low in saturated fats, trans fats, cholesterol, salt, and added sugars.
The main theme the government is proposing now is to eat a diet rich in grains and to make half of the grains you eat whole grains. Whole grains contain the entire grain kernel -- the bran, germ, and endosperm, some examples would be:
• whole-wheat flour• bulgur (cracked wheat) • oatmeal • whole cornmeal • brown rice
Next you should “vary your veggies” and in general buy fresh vegetables in season, stock up on frozen vegetables and buy vegetables that are easy to prepare.
For the best nutritional value, choose vegetables with more potassium such as sweet potatoes and spinach and limit sauces which can add fats, sodium and additional calories.
Prepare more of your foods from fresh ingredients to lower sodium. Most sodium comes from packaged and processed foods.
One suggestion for a healthy diet is to try using a salad as the main dish for lunch and go light on the salad dressing.
Focus on fruits. To help you keep focus, have a bowl of fruit always available on the table, counter, or in the refrigerator. Keep cut fruit in the refrigerator and buy fresh fruits in season whenever possible. Buy frozen, dried, and canned fruits as well so you will always have some kind of fruit on hand.
Choose whole fruits or cut fruits over juices whenever possible for the fiber benefits. Choose fruits high in potassium such as bananas, apricots, and cantaloupe. Put cut fruit on your breakfast cereal. At lunch, take a tangerine, banana, or some grapes. For dinner, add crushed pineapple or mandarin oranges in a tossed salad.
Get calcium rich foods and include low fat or fat free milk as a beverage at meals. Have fat-free yogurt as a snack. Use low-fat cheeses on salads and casseroles.
For those who cannot consume milk products due to lactose intolerance choose lactose free alternatives to get your calcium such as cheese, yogurt, and lactose-free milk.
Go lean with protein. The suggestions for your protein intake are to use the leanest cuts of meats such as top sirloin and pork loin and whenever choosing ground beef go with extra lean that is identified as at least 90% lean.
Buy skinless chicken parts as the fat is in the skin. Choose lean turkey and all kinds of fish.
To keep your meat intake lean and as free of fat as possible, broil, grill, roast, or boil your meat choices instead of frying and drain off any fat that appears during cooking.
Choose dry beans such as kidney beans and use them as the main part of a meal often. Make use of nuts for snacks and use them to sometimes replace meat or poultry.
Gregg Hall is a business consultant to many online and offline businesses and has been involved in the fitness and nutrition field for over 25 years. Get healthy food delivered to you.
Health Benefits Of Carrot Juice
Carrot juice has a number of health benefits. The carrot provides what is certainly the most important basic juice. The yellow color is due to carotene. Another name for this form of carotene, the transform, is pro vitamin A. Many authors write that carrots contain a lot of vitamin A. This is not actually true; what the carrot does contain is the pro vitamin. That means a substance that is converted by the body into the vitamin itself. Carrot juice plays the most important part in an infant's supply of vitamin A. When carrot juice is consumed jointly with milk, the utilization of carotene as vitamin A is considerably increased. A carrot and milk juice is the ideal vitamin A source for infants and can in no case lead 10 the risk of the child having too much A. Carrots are widely used. Indeed it is estimated that in Germany carrots account for 10% of the total vegetable consumption. From the carrot juice point of view, the varieties to be employed are ideally those with the most carotene. It is fortunate that the pro vitamin is strongly colored for this means that so long as you use good colored carrots they are likely to be the best nutritionally speaking too. As a general rule, early carrots are pale and low in carotene. Because carotene is not water soluble, but is fat soluble, there is not a very great deterioration in the vitamin content on storage. Nursing mothers are well advised, for the sake of the quality of their milk, to take carrot juice throughout lactation. When the baby is on its way it is good sense not only to drink the juice but also to nibble a carrot when you feel hungry. For although a good sized one will provide your minimum requirement of vitamin A, 7oz (200g) of carrot contain only 50 calories, which cannot be considered to be a fattening snack. The carrot is recorded as being used in medicine by the early Greeks and has been cherished ever since. Its juice is one of the most delicious and healthful, and alone or in combinations should be in every daily diet providing, as it does, the essential vitamin A, without the saturated fats with which this vitamin is associated in eggs and butter.
Kevin Pederson has been managing a number of natural home remedies websites which have information on home based natural cures which can be done with the help of juices like beet, carrot and other vegetables.
Carrot juice has a number of health benefits. The carrot provides what is certainly the most important basic juice. The yellow color is due to carotene. Another name for this form of carotene, the transform, is pro vitamin A. Many authors write that carrots contain a lot of vitamin A. This is not actually true; what the carrot does contain is the pro vitamin. That means a substance that is converted by the body into the vitamin itself. Carrot juice plays the most important part in an infant's supply of vitamin A. When carrot juice is consumed jointly with milk, the utilization of carotene as vitamin A is considerably increased. A carrot and milk juice is the ideal vitamin A source for infants and can in no case lead 10 the risk of the child having too much A. Carrots are widely used. Indeed it is estimated that in Germany carrots account for 10% of the total vegetable consumption. From the carrot juice point of view, the varieties to be employed are ideally those with the most carotene. It is fortunate that the pro vitamin is strongly colored for this means that so long as you use good colored carrots they are likely to be the best nutritionally speaking too. As a general rule, early carrots are pale and low in carotene. Because carotene is not water soluble, but is fat soluble, there is not a very great deterioration in the vitamin content on storage. Nursing mothers are well advised, for the sake of the quality of their milk, to take carrot juice throughout lactation. When the baby is on its way it is good sense not only to drink the juice but also to nibble a carrot when you feel hungry. For although a good sized one will provide your minimum requirement of vitamin A, 7oz (200g) of carrot contain only 50 calories, which cannot be considered to be a fattening snack. The carrot is recorded as being used in medicine by the early Greeks and has been cherished ever since. Its juice is one of the most delicious and healthful, and alone or in combinations should be in every daily diet providing, as it does, the essential vitamin A, without the saturated fats with which this vitamin is associated in eggs and butter.
Kevin Pederson has been managing a number of natural home remedies websites which have information on home based natural cures which can be done with the help of juices like beet, carrot and other vegetables.
The Acai Berry: An Antioxidant Superfood That Has Everything
The acai berry is one of the world's most interesting and unique foods. It may also be one of its healthiest. Chock-full of antioxidants, amino acids, AND essential fatty acids, the tiny little acai berry packs a nutritional wallop rarely seen in the natural world. In fact, some experts consider it to be the world's most "complete" natural food.Acai berries come from the acai (pronounced ah-SIGH-ee) palm tree of South America. The native peoples of Brazil have eaten the berry for centuries and there are, in fact, many local legends about acai's incredible healing and sustaining powers. It remains a popular "health and energy" food in that country today. Fortunately for North Americans and Europeans, in the last few years acai berry products have made their way to foreign shores. Now just about anyone can (and should) try this incredibly healthy food for themselves.
To give you an idea of just how powerful this fruit really is, consider the nutritional profile of acai berry pulp:-
10-30 times the anthocyanins (strong antioxidants) of red wine- an almost perfect essential amino acid complex (the "building blocks" of protein)- 60% Oleic acid, an omega-9 monounsaturated essential fatty acid- 12% Linoleic acid, an omega-6 polyunsaturated essential fatty acid- a full array of vitamins, minerals, and trace elements- large amounts of plant sterols (phytochemicals with numerous health benefits)- significant amounts of natural dietary fiber- natural calcium!As you can see, there aren't many things that the acai berry doesn't have! But the good news doesn't end there. Acai has a vibrant taste that most people find very, very pleasing. Though difficult to describe, some people compare the flavor of acai to tart, chocolate-covered cherries or blueberry ice cream with a hint of chocolate. Not bad for something so healthy!A few of the more common benefits reported by people who consume acai berries on a regular basis include:- Greater energy and vitality- Increased stamina- Improved circulation- Improved digestion- Better sleep- Improved sexual function- Healthier, better-looking skin- Increased sense of overall "well-being"By now you're probably aching to try this super-fruit for yourself. Fortunately it's becoming more and more widely available throughout the United States, Europe, and Australia. Look for acai smoothies and acai berry juices at your local health foods shops. There are also several health supplements on the market which contain dried acai berry powder... but it would be a shame to miss out on the delicious and unique taste of this amazing berry!
Jamie Clark is a health and fitness writer who loves smoothies made with acai berry juice and guarana. To learn more about acai berries and acai products, be sure to visit:
The acai berry is one of the world's most interesting and unique foods. It may also be one of its healthiest. Chock-full of antioxidants, amino acids, AND essential fatty acids, the tiny little acai berry packs a nutritional wallop rarely seen in the natural world. In fact, some experts consider it to be the world's most "complete" natural food.Acai berries come from the acai (pronounced ah-SIGH-ee) palm tree of South America. The native peoples of Brazil have eaten the berry for centuries and there are, in fact, many local legends about acai's incredible healing and sustaining powers. It remains a popular "health and energy" food in that country today. Fortunately for North Americans and Europeans, in the last few years acai berry products have made their way to foreign shores. Now just about anyone can (and should) try this incredibly healthy food for themselves.
To give you an idea of just how powerful this fruit really is, consider the nutritional profile of acai berry pulp:-
10-30 times the anthocyanins (strong antioxidants) of red wine- an almost perfect essential amino acid complex (the "building blocks" of protein)- 60% Oleic acid, an omega-9 monounsaturated essential fatty acid- 12% Linoleic acid, an omega-6 polyunsaturated essential fatty acid- a full array of vitamins, minerals, and trace elements- large amounts of plant sterols (phytochemicals with numerous health benefits)- significant amounts of natural dietary fiber- natural calcium!As you can see, there aren't many things that the acai berry doesn't have! But the good news doesn't end there. Acai has a vibrant taste that most people find very, very pleasing. Though difficult to describe, some people compare the flavor of acai to tart, chocolate-covered cherries or blueberry ice cream with a hint of chocolate. Not bad for something so healthy!A few of the more common benefits reported by people who consume acai berries on a regular basis include:- Greater energy and vitality- Increased stamina- Improved circulation- Improved digestion- Better sleep- Improved sexual function- Healthier, better-looking skin- Increased sense of overall "well-being"By now you're probably aching to try this super-fruit for yourself. Fortunately it's becoming more and more widely available throughout the United States, Europe, and Australia. Look for acai smoothies and acai berry juices at your local health foods shops. There are also several health supplements on the market which contain dried acai berry powder... but it would be a shame to miss out on the delicious and unique taste of this amazing berry!
Jamie Clark is a health and fitness writer who loves smoothies made with acai berry juice and guarana. To learn more about acai berries and acai products, be sure to visit:
Simple Solutions for Better Skin:
Here are a just a few natural skin care solutions for you to try. You'll be very pleased with the results:
Once a week, rub your skin with baking soda while in the shower, for a smooth, silky feeling. You can also do this on your face to remove black heads.
Fresh tomatoes are great for the oily areas of your face. (Please make sure to try the tomato juice on your arm first, as your skin may be sensitive to it). Rinse thoroughly immediately after using the tomato juice.
For a great moisturizer try olive oil: this healthy fat is good for you, and is great for your skin. You can also use it to soothe sunburned skin.
Vinegar can work wonders for smelly feet and armpits. Mix water and vinegar 50/50, and use in place of deodorant: it will keep the unpleasant sweat smell away, without any irritation. As for your feet, if you suffer with athlete's foot, a week of vinegar foot bath will help a lot, sometimes completely getting rid of your condition.
Egg yolk mixed with honey makes for a really great mask: put on your skin, leave it on for 20 minutes, and rinse off. This is excellent for sensitive skin. Honey gives a tingling/ticklish sensation, so if you are sensitive to that, use the egg yolk alone.
Another use for egg yolk: for those with eczema, use it instead of soap. It doesn't smell great, but it will heal your damaged skin.
A great treatment for dry skin is avocados: mash it, smooth it onto your face, and rinse off after 20 minutes.
Lastly, make sure you drink 8 glasses of water every day to keep your skin cared from the inside out.
Travis Waack is an author and webmaster. You may view a collection of alternative healthcare resources at
Here are a just a few natural skin care solutions for you to try. You'll be very pleased with the results:
Once a week, rub your skin with baking soda while in the shower, for a smooth, silky feeling. You can also do this on your face to remove black heads.
Fresh tomatoes are great for the oily areas of your face. (Please make sure to try the tomato juice on your arm first, as your skin may be sensitive to it). Rinse thoroughly immediately after using the tomato juice.
For a great moisturizer try olive oil: this healthy fat is good for you, and is great for your skin. You can also use it to soothe sunburned skin.
Vinegar can work wonders for smelly feet and armpits. Mix water and vinegar 50/50, and use in place of deodorant: it will keep the unpleasant sweat smell away, without any irritation. As for your feet, if you suffer with athlete's foot, a week of vinegar foot bath will help a lot, sometimes completely getting rid of your condition.
Egg yolk mixed with honey makes for a really great mask: put on your skin, leave it on for 20 minutes, and rinse off. This is excellent for sensitive skin. Honey gives a tingling/ticklish sensation, so if you are sensitive to that, use the egg yolk alone.
Another use for egg yolk: for those with eczema, use it instead of soap. It doesn't smell great, but it will heal your damaged skin.
A great treatment for dry skin is avocados: mash it, smooth it onto your face, and rinse off after 20 minutes.
Lastly, make sure you drink 8 glasses of water every day to keep your skin cared from the inside out.
Travis Waack is an author and webmaster. You may view a collection of alternative healthcare resources at
Banana - A Skin Care Product To Reckon With
Bananas are one of most high calorie fruits one can find in the market. It has some of the best uses you can think of when it comes to skin care. As bananas are so common in many of the countries it is not that hard to use it as a beauty product. It has become an essential part of our life with respect to the benefits it provides us.
Banana is a good source of fiber, potassium and Vitamin C; these are very good for our skin. It has helped in curing some of the most fatal diseases like heart disease, problems with kidney stones and a type of cancer. It also helps in strengthening your muscles and maintains the blood pressure level. Having a banana a day would help you immensely as it contains eight amino acids which our body cannot produce on its own.
You can also find good amount of magnesium, potassium, iron, zinc, iodine as well as Vitamins like A, B (folic acid), E and F. These are very good for your body and can do great wonders. It is a treasure chest with other nutrients like vitamin B6, fiber, minerals which are great source of energy. This fruit helps women who have PMS problems as it contain a good amount of serotonin. It can be said as one of the nutritious product for new born babies as it is easily digested.
Some useful Recipes for your Skin
Mash 1 small banana; add 2 tbsp of fresh cream, 1 tbsp of honey and 1 tbsp oat flour. Mix it well till you get the consistency similar to that of yoghurt.
Apply this decoction on your face and keep it for 30 minutes or so. Rinse it with water and dab rose hydrosol and letting your face dry. This Wrinkle Free Mask will nourish your face, avoid early ageing and prevent untimely formation of wrinkles.
Skin Glowing Facial Mask would help in creating a radiant look for you. For this you would be needing 1/2 ripe banana, 2 tbsp. ground oats, Pinch of Nutmeg, 2 tbsp. Whole wheat flour, if need be fresh milk or cream.
Preparation: Add all the ingredients and whip them well. To get the right consistency of a soft and smooth paste, keep adding the cream.
Apply this mixture on your face for 5-10 minutes and rinse it thoroughly. Pat it dry. All the ingredients used in this facial mask have separate value and these nutrients help you with a glowing face.
Warning: The reader of this article should exercise all precautions while following instructions on the recipes from this article. Avoid using any of these products if you are allergic to it. The responsibility lies with the reader and not with the site or the writer.
Article Source:
Kevin Pederson is the webmaster of Hair-n-Skin-Care site, it guides you with the various hair and skin care treatment. Natural Skin Care with Banana works as an anti-aging product as well as for radiant look.
Bananas are one of most high calorie fruits one can find in the market. It has some of the best uses you can think of when it comes to skin care. As bananas are so common in many of the countries it is not that hard to use it as a beauty product. It has become an essential part of our life with respect to the benefits it provides us.
Banana is a good source of fiber, potassium and Vitamin C; these are very good for our skin. It has helped in curing some of the most fatal diseases like heart disease, problems with kidney stones and a type of cancer. It also helps in strengthening your muscles and maintains the blood pressure level. Having a banana a day would help you immensely as it contains eight amino acids which our body cannot produce on its own.
You can also find good amount of magnesium, potassium, iron, zinc, iodine as well as Vitamins like A, B (folic acid), E and F. These are very good for your body and can do great wonders. It is a treasure chest with other nutrients like vitamin B6, fiber, minerals which are great source of energy. This fruit helps women who have PMS problems as it contain a good amount of serotonin. It can be said as one of the nutritious product for new born babies as it is easily digested.
Some useful Recipes for your Skin
Mash 1 small banana; add 2 tbsp of fresh cream, 1 tbsp of honey and 1 tbsp oat flour. Mix it well till you get the consistency similar to that of yoghurt.
Apply this decoction on your face and keep it for 30 minutes or so. Rinse it with water and dab rose hydrosol and letting your face dry. This Wrinkle Free Mask will nourish your face, avoid early ageing and prevent untimely formation of wrinkles.
Skin Glowing Facial Mask would help in creating a radiant look for you. For this you would be needing 1/2 ripe banana, 2 tbsp. ground oats, Pinch of Nutmeg, 2 tbsp. Whole wheat flour, if need be fresh milk or cream.
Preparation: Add all the ingredients and whip them well. To get the right consistency of a soft and smooth paste, keep adding the cream.
Apply this mixture on your face for 5-10 minutes and rinse it thoroughly. Pat it dry. All the ingredients used in this facial mask have separate value and these nutrients help you with a glowing face.
Warning: The reader of this article should exercise all precautions while following instructions on the recipes from this article. Avoid using any of these products if you are allergic to it. The responsibility lies with the reader and not with the site or the writer.
Article Source:
Kevin Pederson is the webmaster of Hair-n-Skin-Care site, it guides you with the various hair and skin care treatment. Natural Skin Care with Banana works as an anti-aging product as well as for radiant look.
Hoodia Gordinii - 3 Reasons To Try Hoodia Instead of Diet Pills
Hoodia Gordinii - it's everywhere these days. On 60 minutes, in the health food store, in your diet pills, on the Internet. You've seen it and probably wondered 'What's so great about it?'
Hoodia Gordinii is a natural appetite suppressant made from the Hoodia plant - a cactus of the "succulent" cactus family, which grows in the Kalahari Desert region of South Africa. It has been used by the indigenous Bushmen for years as a natural appetite suppressant during long hunting trips where food was scarce.
So what's so great about this simple South African cactus that has everyone talking about it? Here are 3 reasons why Hoodia is better than any man-made diet pill to help you lose weight quickly and safely:
1) It Helps You Lose Weight Without Hunger or Feeling Deprived
One of the first studies of Hoodia Gordinii was done in the UK on obese patients. Half of the volunteers were given Hoodia, the other half a placebo. The subjects were allowed to do nothing but read, watch television and eat.After 15 days it was found that those taking Hoodia had reduced their calorie intake by 1000 calories a day. Despite having unlimited access to food, these subjects lost weight without feeling hungry. People have reported losing 100 pounds in 6 months, 84 pounds in 5 months and up to 4 pounds a week by taking pure Hoodia. So if you're looking for a way to lose weight but hate feeling hungry or deprived, it can help you to reach your goals without the pain of dieting.
2) It Helps Emotional Eaters Lose Weight
Not only do you feel full when you take Hoodia but many people say they don't even have the desire to eat. Some say they don't even think about food. This is great for emotional eaters - whose weight may be more a result of eating out of boredom or emotional needs than because of hunger. It's also much easier to make healthier food choices when you feel satisfied and full, which contributes to your overall health and vitality.
3) Natural & Safe With No Reported Side Effects
Sure, you can take the caffeine-filled, chemical laden man-made diet pills and lose a couple of pounds - but why would you want to? You don't know what else it's doing to your body - and it could be causing some major damage. One of the best benefits about Hoodia Gordinii is that it's both natural and safe to take.
Since it is a plant, and not a man made chemical, it has little chance of causing side effects. In fact the South African government classified Hoodia as a food - not a drug. Scientists have been studying Hoodia for about 10 years and have found no evidence of any negative side effects.
Couple this with the fact that the Bushmen in the Kalahari desert of South Africa have been eating it for hundreds of years with no ill effect. You can see why this South African cactus is an amazing alternative to caffeine-laden, questionable diet pills.
While these 3 benefits definitely make Hoodia sound better than any man-made diet pill, there are a couple of things buyers should be aware of:
There are a lot of 'fake' Hoodia diet pills out there. Because it is a protected species (and it also takes 2 - 5 years to mature), the demand is becoming greater than the supply and many manufacturers are bottling inferior forms of the cactus that don't offer you the appetite suppressant effects of pure Hoodia.
Also, you probably don't want to take the pills forever. You should try to change your diet to one rich in fruits and vegetables, whole grains, lean meats etc. before transitioning off Hoodia to maintain your weight loss.
Vienna Miller is a contributing writer to Hoodia Review For more Hoodia weight loss tips visit
Hoodia Gordinii - it's everywhere these days. On 60 minutes, in the health food store, in your diet pills, on the Internet. You've seen it and probably wondered 'What's so great about it?'
Hoodia Gordinii is a natural appetite suppressant made from the Hoodia plant - a cactus of the "succulent" cactus family, which grows in the Kalahari Desert region of South Africa. It has been used by the indigenous Bushmen for years as a natural appetite suppressant during long hunting trips where food was scarce.
So what's so great about this simple South African cactus that has everyone talking about it? Here are 3 reasons why Hoodia is better than any man-made diet pill to help you lose weight quickly and safely:
1) It Helps You Lose Weight Without Hunger or Feeling Deprived
One of the first studies of Hoodia Gordinii was done in the UK on obese patients. Half of the volunteers were given Hoodia, the other half a placebo. The subjects were allowed to do nothing but read, watch television and eat.After 15 days it was found that those taking Hoodia had reduced their calorie intake by 1000 calories a day. Despite having unlimited access to food, these subjects lost weight without feeling hungry. People have reported losing 100 pounds in 6 months, 84 pounds in 5 months and up to 4 pounds a week by taking pure Hoodia. So if you're looking for a way to lose weight but hate feeling hungry or deprived, it can help you to reach your goals without the pain of dieting.
2) It Helps Emotional Eaters Lose Weight
Not only do you feel full when you take Hoodia but many people say they don't even have the desire to eat. Some say they don't even think about food. This is great for emotional eaters - whose weight may be more a result of eating out of boredom or emotional needs than because of hunger. It's also much easier to make healthier food choices when you feel satisfied and full, which contributes to your overall health and vitality.
3) Natural & Safe With No Reported Side Effects
Sure, you can take the caffeine-filled, chemical laden man-made diet pills and lose a couple of pounds - but why would you want to? You don't know what else it's doing to your body - and it could be causing some major damage. One of the best benefits about Hoodia Gordinii is that it's both natural and safe to take.
Since it is a plant, and not a man made chemical, it has little chance of causing side effects. In fact the South African government classified Hoodia as a food - not a drug. Scientists have been studying Hoodia for about 10 years and have found no evidence of any negative side effects.
Couple this with the fact that the Bushmen in the Kalahari desert of South Africa have been eating it for hundreds of years with no ill effect. You can see why this South African cactus is an amazing alternative to caffeine-laden, questionable diet pills.
While these 3 benefits definitely make Hoodia sound better than any man-made diet pill, there are a couple of things buyers should be aware of:
There are a lot of 'fake' Hoodia diet pills out there. Because it is a protected species (and it also takes 2 - 5 years to mature), the demand is becoming greater than the supply and many manufacturers are bottling inferior forms of the cactus that don't offer you the appetite suppressant effects of pure Hoodia.
Also, you probably don't want to take the pills forever. You should try to change your diet to one rich in fruits and vegetables, whole grains, lean meats etc. before transitioning off Hoodia to maintain your weight loss.
Vienna Miller is a contributing writer to Hoodia Review For more Hoodia weight loss tips visit
Wednesday, April 19, 2006
Organic health products are growing more popular due to the public’s views on choosing items that are all-natural and considered more beneficial for the body. There is an increase of stores selling more organic health products - some devoting an entire aisle to the items. There is also an increase in the number of health food stores selling an assortment of organic health products.
When shopping for an organic health product, you should know that there is a variety of functions that each item possesses. Some products cleanse the body’s systems, and other items provide nourishment and energy.
When reading a label, some of the key phrases to look for include: 100% Absorbable; 100% Organic and Natural; 100% Non Toxic; 100% Whole Foods; as well as 100% Raw and Active.
Today, the Earth is polluted with many things that can affect the health and well-being of an individual. As if dealing with the deteriorating ozone layer, UV rays and smog isn’t enough, there are other contaminants that can cause an upset in the balance of one’s body.
There are numerous toxins, pesticides, drugs, and other poisons in the world that enter the body and wreak havoc. There are reports that the human body can harbor at least 700 contaminants.
This calls for the elimination or cleansing of these toxins. There are many organic health products that can assist in this goal, including cleansing remedies for the colon, liver, gall bladder, kidney, and blood.
For example, an organic health product to consider is hot cayenne extract, which can unblock the waste material that prevents efficient blood flow.
Vitamins and minerals are a popular form of organic health products sold in stores, as well as over the Internet. For example, there is a product called Living Calcium, prepared from sea vegetables and other green foods - considered one of nature’s best calcium sources.
Some organic health products have been known to boost the immune system. When an item contains spirulina, they will encounter a 100% organic mixture that surpasses the capabilities of many grains, herbs or food.
When you are battling an upset stomach or bloating, taking capsules filled with 100% plant-based digestive enzymes, can easily correct the problem.
The healing properties of some of these organic health products are amazing. There are items that are 100% organic that can strengthen skin, connective tissue, bones, teeth, nails, as well as hair.
Organic health products also offer help when a consumer is in need of relief from nervous tension and insomnia.
Hormonal imbalances in both males and females can also benefit from the use of an organic health product. Menopause, impotence, hot flushes, and PMS are just some of the issues that these products can deal with.
The list goes on and on, when referring to the advantages of choosing an organic health product. This includes pain relief caused by muscle tension and cramps, as well as effective measures taken against fevers, colic, congestion, and the common cold.
Organic health products are growing more popular due to the public’s views on choosing items that are all-natural and considered more beneficial for the body. There is an increase of stores selling more organic health products - some devoting an entire aisle to the items. There is also an increase in the number of health food stores selling an assortment of organic health products.
When shopping for an organic health product, you should know that there is a variety of functions that each item possesses. Some products cleanse the body’s systems, and other items provide nourishment and energy.
When reading a label, some of the key phrases to look for include: 100% Absorbable; 100% Organic and Natural; 100% Non Toxic; 100% Whole Foods; as well as 100% Raw and Active.
Today, the Earth is polluted with many things that can affect the health and well-being of an individual. As if dealing with the deteriorating ozone layer, UV rays and smog isn’t enough, there are other contaminants that can cause an upset in the balance of one’s body.
There are numerous toxins, pesticides, drugs, and other poisons in the world that enter the body and wreak havoc. There are reports that the human body can harbor at least 700 contaminants.
This calls for the elimination or cleansing of these toxins. There are many organic health products that can assist in this goal, including cleansing remedies for the colon, liver, gall bladder, kidney, and blood.
For example, an organic health product to consider is hot cayenne extract, which can unblock the waste material that prevents efficient blood flow.
Vitamins and minerals are a popular form of organic health products sold in stores, as well as over the Internet. For example, there is a product called Living Calcium, prepared from sea vegetables and other green foods - considered one of nature’s best calcium sources.
Some organic health products have been known to boost the immune system. When an item contains spirulina, they will encounter a 100% organic mixture that surpasses the capabilities of many grains, herbs or food.
When you are battling an upset stomach or bloating, taking capsules filled with 100% plant-based digestive enzymes, can easily correct the problem.
The healing properties of some of these organic health products are amazing. There are items that are 100% organic that can strengthen skin, connective tissue, bones, teeth, nails, as well as hair.
Organic health products also offer help when a consumer is in need of relief from nervous tension and insomnia.
Hormonal imbalances in both males and females can also benefit from the use of an organic health product. Menopause, impotence, hot flushes, and PMS are just some of the issues that these products can deal with.
The list goes on and on, when referring to the advantages of choosing an organic health product. This includes pain relief caused by muscle tension and cramps, as well as effective measures taken against fevers, colic, congestion, and the common cold.
Quick and Easy Heart Healthy Recipes
When you have a history of heart disease in your family, it is important to take good care of your heart. Exercise is a main part of taking good care of your body, including your heart. Eating is important as well. But sometimes it seems like finding tasty food that is good for you can be difficult. And besides, who has time to prepare it? You do! Here are two delicious recipes that can get you started on the road to healthful and tasteful eating for your heart. And they’re easy to make!
Baked Dijon Chicken (4 servings)
Ingredients: 1 pound boneless, skinless chicken breast (or you can use turkey), removed of visible fat 2 Tbl. lemon or lime juice 1 Tbl. course-grained or Dijon mustard 1/8 tsp. black pepper 1/2 tsp. minced garlic (from a bottle works nicely) Preheat your oven to 375 degrees. Rinse the chicken and pat it dry and arrange it in a glass baking dish. Using a small bowl, stir together all the remaining ingredients and spread over the top of the chicken. Do this piece by piece. Bake uncovered for 15 to 20 minutes. The chicken should be tender and no longer pink.
Rosemary Turkey With Mushrooms (4 servings) This is a treat that you can serve company. It is an elegant and delicious dish. Ingredients: 1 pound turkey breast tenderloin slices 1/2 c. chicken broth, low sodium 1/8 tsp. each black pepper and salt 1 Tbl. cornstarch2 Tbl. balsamic vinegar 8 oz. chanterelle or button mushrooms; these should be cleaned, trimmed, and sliced 1/4 c. shopped onions or shallots 1 tsp. fresh rosemary or 1/4 tsp. dried rosemary Rinse and pat dry turkey and set aside. Use a small bowl to stir together broth, salt and pepper, and cornstarch. Set this aside. Use vegetable oil cooking spray to coat a large skillet and place it over medium-high heat. Add half the turkey to the hot skillet and cook about two minutes on each side. The turkey should be tender and no longer pink. Set aside and do the same to the other half of the turkey. Remove the skillet from the heat, and keep the turkey warm. Add the vinegar and rosemary to the skillet. Scrap up all of the brown bits from the bottom of the pan. Then, put the skillet back on the heat and use it to cook the mushrooms and onions (or shallots). It should take about five minutes for the mushrooms to become tender. Stir in the set aside broth mixture. It will take about three minutes for it to become a sauce, thickened and bubbly. Cook for two more minutes after that, stirring constantly. This sauce is served with the turkey. For an elegant tough, the turkey can be served on a bed of fresh rosemary. Once you know what you can do to enjoy healthful meals without sacrificing the flavor, you can take better care of your body and of your heart. And that is a delicious proposition.
When you have a history of heart disease in your family, it is important to take good care of your heart. Exercise is a main part of taking good care of your body, including your heart. Eating is important as well. But sometimes it seems like finding tasty food that is good for you can be difficult. And besides, who has time to prepare it? You do! Here are two delicious recipes that can get you started on the road to healthful and tasteful eating for your heart. And they’re easy to make!
Baked Dijon Chicken (4 servings)
Ingredients: 1 pound boneless, skinless chicken breast (or you can use turkey), removed of visible fat 2 Tbl. lemon or lime juice 1 Tbl. course-grained or Dijon mustard 1/8 tsp. black pepper 1/2 tsp. minced garlic (from a bottle works nicely) Preheat your oven to 375 degrees. Rinse the chicken and pat it dry and arrange it in a glass baking dish. Using a small bowl, stir together all the remaining ingredients and spread over the top of the chicken. Do this piece by piece. Bake uncovered for 15 to 20 minutes. The chicken should be tender and no longer pink.
Rosemary Turkey With Mushrooms (4 servings) This is a treat that you can serve company. It is an elegant and delicious dish. Ingredients: 1 pound turkey breast tenderloin slices 1/2 c. chicken broth, low sodium 1/8 tsp. each black pepper and salt 1 Tbl. cornstarch2 Tbl. balsamic vinegar 8 oz. chanterelle or button mushrooms; these should be cleaned, trimmed, and sliced 1/4 c. shopped onions or shallots 1 tsp. fresh rosemary or 1/4 tsp. dried rosemary Rinse and pat dry turkey and set aside. Use a small bowl to stir together broth, salt and pepper, and cornstarch. Set this aside. Use vegetable oil cooking spray to coat a large skillet and place it over medium-high heat. Add half the turkey to the hot skillet and cook about two minutes on each side. The turkey should be tender and no longer pink. Set aside and do the same to the other half of the turkey. Remove the skillet from the heat, and keep the turkey warm. Add the vinegar and rosemary to the skillet. Scrap up all of the brown bits from the bottom of the pan. Then, put the skillet back on the heat and use it to cook the mushrooms and onions (or shallots). It should take about five minutes for the mushrooms to become tender. Stir in the set aside broth mixture. It will take about three minutes for it to become a sauce, thickened and bubbly. Cook for two more minutes after that, stirring constantly. This sauce is served with the turkey. For an elegant tough, the turkey can be served on a bed of fresh rosemary. Once you know what you can do to enjoy healthful meals without sacrificing the flavor, you can take better care of your body and of your heart. And that is a delicious proposition.
Herbal Hair Loss Remedies That Offer Hope
Herbs hold an obvious appeal for many people because they support the body's natural healing mechanisms to target the cause of the problem, as opposed to merely tackling the symptoms. It would be wrong to present herbal hair loss remedies as a miracle solution for all sufferers - there is however growing evidence to support the view that some herbal remedies offer real hope to many people.
Let's examine the case for some of the more popular remedies to determine if they're worth trying.
Ginkyo biloba - this popular herb is thought to improve blood circulation to the brain and skin. Herbalists believe that the increased flow of blood to the brain area delivers more nutrients to the hair follicle thus promoting hair regrowth. The recommended dose is 120-160mg of dry extract each day spread over three doses.
Green tea (Camellia sinesis) - it is thought that catechins found in green tea may inhibit the enzyme 5-alpha-reductase that converts testosterone into hair-unfriendly DHT. It is therefore believed to be effective in preventing and treating male pattern type baldness. You should drink several cups of green tea each day or take it in capsule form as instructed by the manufacturer.
He Shou Wu (Polygonum multiflorum) - also known as Fo-Ti, this Chinese herb has traditionally been used to reduce hair loss. It is found in many commercial preparations, or in tea and capsule form.
Pygeum (Pygeum africanum) - derived from the bark of an evergreen, it works in a similar way to green tea. It is widely used to treat prostate problems and male pattern baldness. Users should take 60-500mg per day in pill or capsule form.
Saw palmetto (Seranoa repens) - this is the current treatment of choice for many men due to its ability to protect the prostate, slow hair loss and encourage hair regrowth. It forms the core element of many commercially prepared hair loss treatments but can easily be obtained in its pure form. The recommended dose is a 160mg capsule twice each day, but make sure the ingredients are made from the berry extract not the dried berries themselves.
Stinging nettle (Urtica diocia) - this has long been favored as a means of preventing hair loss due to its ability to block the conversion of testosterone into DHT. It can be taken in pill or capsule form with an optimum dose of 50-100mg per day. It is particularly effective when combined with pygeum and saw palmetto.
You can learn more about these and other promising hair loss treatments by visiting the site listed below.
About The Author
Richard Mitchell is the creator of the website that provides information and guidance to those suffering from premature hair loss.
Herbs hold an obvious appeal for many people because they support the body's natural healing mechanisms to target the cause of the problem, as opposed to merely tackling the symptoms. It would be wrong to present herbal hair loss remedies as a miracle solution for all sufferers - there is however growing evidence to support the view that some herbal remedies offer real hope to many people.
Let's examine the case for some of the more popular remedies to determine if they're worth trying.
Ginkyo biloba - this popular herb is thought to improve blood circulation to the brain and skin. Herbalists believe that the increased flow of blood to the brain area delivers more nutrients to the hair follicle thus promoting hair regrowth. The recommended dose is 120-160mg of dry extract each day spread over three doses.
Green tea (Camellia sinesis) - it is thought that catechins found in green tea may inhibit the enzyme 5-alpha-reductase that converts testosterone into hair-unfriendly DHT. It is therefore believed to be effective in preventing and treating male pattern type baldness. You should drink several cups of green tea each day or take it in capsule form as instructed by the manufacturer.
He Shou Wu (Polygonum multiflorum) - also known as Fo-Ti, this Chinese herb has traditionally been used to reduce hair loss. It is found in many commercial preparations, or in tea and capsule form.
Pygeum (Pygeum africanum) - derived from the bark of an evergreen, it works in a similar way to green tea. It is widely used to treat prostate problems and male pattern baldness. Users should take 60-500mg per day in pill or capsule form.
Saw palmetto (Seranoa repens) - this is the current treatment of choice for many men due to its ability to protect the prostate, slow hair loss and encourage hair regrowth. It forms the core element of many commercially prepared hair loss treatments but can easily be obtained in its pure form. The recommended dose is a 160mg capsule twice each day, but make sure the ingredients are made from the berry extract not the dried berries themselves.
Stinging nettle (Urtica diocia) - this has long been favored as a means of preventing hair loss due to its ability to block the conversion of testosterone into DHT. It can be taken in pill or capsule form with an optimum dose of 50-100mg per day. It is particularly effective when combined with pygeum and saw palmetto.
You can learn more about these and other promising hair loss treatments by visiting the site listed below.
About The Author
Richard Mitchell is the creator of the website that provides information and guidance to those suffering from premature hair loss.
Scents Boosting Mood
Take a look below of some scents that can really enhance your moods:
1. Citrus Scent - Energy
Need a pick-me-up? Grab a cup of java and light a citrus candle, citrus scents enhance energy and boost mood; so look for candles with lemon, lime, grapefruit, verbena, or orange scents.
2. Lavender Scent - Relaxation
When it's time to wind down try burning a lavender candle. In studies, lavender has been found to correlate with slower heart rate, lower blood pressure, and lower arterial pressure. It has also been found to decrease muscle tension. Other scents that have been found to have relaxing effects are bergamot and sandalwood.
3. Citris, Minty, and Pine Scents - Uplifting, Clean
If you want to create a cheerful, clean environment in your home, choose candles scented with citrus, mint, or pine. Often these scents can be not only uplifting and motivating, but just give that "clean" feel. When you or your guests walk in, these scents will be a fresh breeze to welcome anyone.
4. Jasmine, Gardenia, Sandalwood, and Rose Scents - Romantic
There's romance in the air if you're burning scents such as these. Floral and woody scents give that wistful, romantic feel to a room.
Take a look below of some scents that can really enhance your moods:
1. Citrus Scent - Energy
Need a pick-me-up? Grab a cup of java and light a citrus candle, citrus scents enhance energy and boost mood; so look for candles with lemon, lime, grapefruit, verbena, or orange scents.
2. Lavender Scent - Relaxation
When it's time to wind down try burning a lavender candle. In studies, lavender has been found to correlate with slower heart rate, lower blood pressure, and lower arterial pressure. It has also been found to decrease muscle tension. Other scents that have been found to have relaxing effects are bergamot and sandalwood.
3. Citris, Minty, and Pine Scents - Uplifting, Clean
If you want to create a cheerful, clean environment in your home, choose candles scented with citrus, mint, or pine. Often these scents can be not only uplifting and motivating, but just give that "clean" feel. When you or your guests walk in, these scents will be a fresh breeze to welcome anyone.
4. Jasmine, Gardenia, Sandalwood, and Rose Scents - Romantic
There's romance in the air if you're burning scents such as these. Floral and woody scents give that wistful, romantic feel to a room.
Treat Dandruff With Simple Home Remedies:
1. Did you know the well-known pain killer aspirin, used for relieving aches, can serve you equally effectively to eliminate the problem of dandruff? Just crush and powder two aspirin tablets and add it to your shampoo. Leave the mixture on your scalp for two minutes. Rinse and wash properly to remove the aspirin particles completely from the scalp.
2. You can directly use Aloe Vera gel to remove excess dandruff. Apply the gel on your scalp 10-15 minutes before you plan to wash your hair. Regular use of the gel before shampooing will keep down the growth of dandruff.
3. You can also prepare a homemade mixture of 1 tablespoon fresh lemon juice with 100 grams witch hazel in 200ml of water and use it on washed hair. Applying the mixture several times is helpful in warding off the problem of dandruff.
4. If you wash your hair with warm apple cider vinegar, leaving it for 30-40 minutes and then rinsing it with plain water, you are sure to control dandruff positively. You have to continue this process regularly to stop its return. The smell of the vinegar does evaporate!
5. Try a mixture of olive oil and almond oil. Massage your scalp with the mixture and leave it for five minutes after you feel the burning sensation. Rinse properly and you should have a dandruff-free head.
1. Did you know the well-known pain killer aspirin, used for relieving aches, can serve you equally effectively to eliminate the problem of dandruff? Just crush and powder two aspirin tablets and add it to your shampoo. Leave the mixture on your scalp for two minutes. Rinse and wash properly to remove the aspirin particles completely from the scalp.
2. You can directly use Aloe Vera gel to remove excess dandruff. Apply the gel on your scalp 10-15 minutes before you plan to wash your hair. Regular use of the gel before shampooing will keep down the growth of dandruff.
3. You can also prepare a homemade mixture of 1 tablespoon fresh lemon juice with 100 grams witch hazel in 200ml of water and use it on washed hair. Applying the mixture several times is helpful in warding off the problem of dandruff.
4. If you wash your hair with warm apple cider vinegar, leaving it for 30-40 minutes and then rinsing it with plain water, you are sure to control dandruff positively. You have to continue this process regularly to stop its return. The smell of the vinegar does evaporate!
5. Try a mixture of olive oil and almond oil. Massage your scalp with the mixture and leave it for five minutes after you feel the burning sensation. Rinse properly and you should have a dandruff-free head.
Tuesday, April 18, 2006
ALOE VERA Foot Mask:
1/2-cup oatmeal 1/2-cup cornmeal 1/2-cup coarse salt 1/2 cup unscented body lotion 4 tablespoons Aloe Vera gel in a large bowl, combine all ingredients. Slide feet into mixture and rub, beginning at toes, working up to heel and ankle. Do one foot at a time, rinsing in a separate bowl of warm water.
1/2-cup oatmeal 1/2-cup cornmeal 1/2-cup coarse salt 1/2 cup unscented body lotion 4 tablespoons Aloe Vera gel in a large bowl, combine all ingredients. Slide feet into mixture and rub, beginning at toes, working up to heel and ankle. Do one foot at a time, rinsing in a separate bowl of warm water.
The basic rule for home made beauty care -- Keep the recipe simple. Avoid ingredients that you have unpleasant side effects on your skin.- Sterilize and dry all the equipments and containers. - Make small batches of the product that you would use each day.- If you smell any thing rotten or bad, throw out the concoction.- Do a patch test before trying out any home made beauty recipes to avoid nasty side effects.- Hygiene and cleanliness is all important.- Create natural home facial mask at home, keeping in mind your skin type.
Watermelon servings per day would help you in the long run. It helps you with conditions like asthma, atherosclerosis, diabetes, colon cancer and arthritis. It has nature's best source of antioxidants. These antioxidants help in neutralizing the free radicals in the body. Free radicals can cause lot of damage to your body.
Watermelon is very useful for removing blemishes on the skin. It was termed to be one of the treasured gifts of Native American. Rich in A, B and C vitamins keeps the skin fresh, radiant and hydrated. The acids in the fruits act as exfoliates.
Watermelon seed oil is also beneficial for your body. The presence of omega 6 and omega 9 essential fatty acids helps the skin immensely. This oil has a very good absorption level which readily penetrates the skin and dissolves the sebum buildup.
It proves to be a good for skin care, due to its moisturizing properties. The non-greasy oil helps to smooth your skin by refurbishing the elasticity of the skin. It is widely used as massage oil, baby oil, facials, face creams, salt scrubs, shower bath as well as hair oil.
Watermelon Beautifying Recipes
1. Watermelon Toner
You would require 1 cup watermelon pieces, 2 tbsp. witch hazel (a shrub), and 2 tbsp. water.
Preparation: Blend the watermelon pieces in a blender. Strain the liquid. Add witch hazel and water in the blended juice. Dab this juice on your face using a cotton ball. This mixture is rich in sugar and vitamins like A and B. The strong astringent properties and water content gets you a fresh and clean face.
2.Watermelon as a Exfoliate
Mash a cup of watermelon chunks and then apply this paste on your face. Find a place to relax for 10 minutes. Rinse it later. It is a process of natural facelift helping in cleansing and tightening the skin.
For Dry Skin
Mash a cup of watermelon chunks mixed with a banana. Banana acts like a binding agent enhancing the effect of the watermelon.
For Oily Skin
Yogurt and watermelon are a great combination for oily skin. By applying this mixture on your face, it assists in the process of exfoliation. The lactic acid in the yogurt does wonders on your skin.
Warning: The reader of this article should exercise all precautions while following instructions on the recipes from this article. Avoid using any of these products if you are allergic to it. The responsibility lies with the reader and not with the site or the writer.
Watermelon servings per day would help you in the long run. It helps you with conditions like asthma, atherosclerosis, diabetes, colon cancer and arthritis. It has nature's best source of antioxidants. These antioxidants help in neutralizing the free radicals in the body. Free radicals can cause lot of damage to your body.
Watermelon is very useful for removing blemishes on the skin. It was termed to be one of the treasured gifts of Native American. Rich in A, B and C vitamins keeps the skin fresh, radiant and hydrated. The acids in the fruits act as exfoliates.
Watermelon seed oil is also beneficial for your body. The presence of omega 6 and omega 9 essential fatty acids helps the skin immensely. This oil has a very good absorption level which readily penetrates the skin and dissolves the sebum buildup.
It proves to be a good for skin care, due to its moisturizing properties. The non-greasy oil helps to smooth your skin by refurbishing the elasticity of the skin. It is widely used as massage oil, baby oil, facials, face creams, salt scrubs, shower bath as well as hair oil.
Watermelon Beautifying Recipes
1. Watermelon Toner
You would require 1 cup watermelon pieces, 2 tbsp. witch hazel (a shrub), and 2 tbsp. water.
Preparation: Blend the watermelon pieces in a blender. Strain the liquid. Add witch hazel and water in the blended juice. Dab this juice on your face using a cotton ball. This mixture is rich in sugar and vitamins like A and B. The strong astringent properties and water content gets you a fresh and clean face.
2.Watermelon as a Exfoliate
Mash a cup of watermelon chunks and then apply this paste on your face. Find a place to relax for 10 minutes. Rinse it later. It is a process of natural facelift helping in cleansing and tightening the skin.
For Dry Skin
Mash a cup of watermelon chunks mixed with a banana. Banana acts like a binding agent enhancing the effect of the watermelon.
For Oily Skin
Yogurt and watermelon are a great combination for oily skin. By applying this mixture on your face, it assists in the process of exfoliation. The lactic acid in the yogurt does wonders on your skin.
Warning: The reader of this article should exercise all precautions while following instructions on the recipes from this article. Avoid using any of these products if you are allergic to it. The responsibility lies with the reader and not with the site or the writer.
Sunday, April 16, 2006
The Wonders of Coconut Oil
For Skin Care-Apply grinded betel leaf with coconut oil on black spots, to lighten it-Paste of mehendi (henna) with little oil should be applied on your face to lighten black spots-Apply the mixture of coconut water and thick pineapple juice for a glowing skin-For soft skin make a paste of red sandal powder with coconut milk. Apply it on your face. Rinse it later.-To remove pimples. Use thick curd; add turmeric and drops of oil. Put it on your face. -Coconut oil mixed with crushed garlic when applied at night helps to cure plantar warts and athlete’s foot-Coconut butter can be used as lip balm-Massage your face with coconut oil before going to bed this would help in premature ageing.
Warning: The reader of this article should exercise all precautions while following instructions on the recipes from this article. Avoid using any of these products if you are allergic to it. The responsibility lies with the reader and not with the site or the writer.
For Skin Care-Apply grinded betel leaf with coconut oil on black spots, to lighten it-Paste of mehendi (henna) with little oil should be applied on your face to lighten black spots-Apply the mixture of coconut water and thick pineapple juice for a glowing skin-For soft skin make a paste of red sandal powder with coconut milk. Apply it on your face. Rinse it later.-To remove pimples. Use thick curd; add turmeric and drops of oil. Put it on your face. -Coconut oil mixed with crushed garlic when applied at night helps to cure plantar warts and athlete’s foot-Coconut butter can be used as lip balm-Massage your face with coconut oil before going to bed this would help in premature ageing.
Warning: The reader of this article should exercise all precautions while following instructions on the recipes from this article. Avoid using any of these products if you are allergic to it. The responsibility lies with the reader and not with the site or the writer.
1. Honey can be a balm for rough and chapped skin.
2. Honey mixed with lemon juice and glycerine is supposed to break the congestion as well as the tickling sensation.This treatment is much better than cough syrups.
3. Insomniacs can take two tablespoons of honey together with a teaspoon of apple cider to get a good night's rest.
1. Honey can be a balm for rough and chapped skin.
2. Honey mixed with lemon juice and glycerine is supposed to break the congestion as well as the tickling sensation.This treatment is much better than cough syrups.
3. Insomniacs can take two tablespoons of honey together with a teaspoon of apple cider to get a good night's rest.
10 Amazing Facts about Honey
1.Honey is a good source of energy.
2. It contains simple sugars (fructose and glucose) which can be easily absorbed by the body.
3. It is a healthier alternative to refined sugars which contains empty calories.
4. Honey is a gentle laxative.
5. Many of the minerals that are needed by the human body is also found in honey.
6. Honey is an excellent tonic which invigorates damaged skin.
7. Honey is best known for its medicinal value.
8. Honey cures sleepleeness and get rids of coughs.
9. Honey is a sinus opener.
10. Honey is useful to soothe the pains of blisters when suffer from burns.
1.Honey is a good source of energy.
2. It contains simple sugars (fructose and glucose) which can be easily absorbed by the body.
3. It is a healthier alternative to refined sugars which contains empty calories.
4. Honey is a gentle laxative.
5. Many of the minerals that are needed by the human body is also found in honey.
6. Honey is an excellent tonic which invigorates damaged skin.
7. Honey is best known for its medicinal value.
8. Honey cures sleepleeness and get rids of coughs.
9. Honey is a sinus opener.
10. Honey is useful to soothe the pains of blisters when suffer from burns.
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